I am getting application certificate error 4000203 while uploading application to KNOX configure.

Environment: Knox Configure (KC)


- Sometimes system administrators encounter issues while uploading applications to Knox Configure (KC).
- The error occurs while uploading APK files with APK signature scheme V2 to KC:

Error is shown as below :
The application certificate is invalid.[4000203]

- The APK Signature Scheme V2 does not generate the cert.rsa/cert.dsa file inside the META-INF folder.
- The application upload fails because KC searches for the cert.rsa/cert.dsa file to verify the APK but the file does not exist.

This issue was resolved in the KCS 1.31 release on May 20th, 2020.

- If you continue to experience the 4000203 error while uploading applications to KC then you may submit a support ticket through your Knox dashboard.

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