Storage Capacity for Blood Pressure/ECG Measurements on a Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch

Last Update date : 2023-08-30

Using a smartwatch, such as a Samsung Galaxy smartwatch, to track blood pressure and ECG measurements can be convenient, but it is important to consider the device's storage capacity. If the device has a limited storage capacity, it may not be able to store an unlimited number of measurements. It is always important to discuss your readings with your doctor and follow their recommendations for managing your health.

It is important to ensure that your device has sufficient storage space available before taking blood pressure or ECG measurements. If your device does not have enough storage space, it may not be able to store the measurement or transfer it to another device. For example, a Samsung Galaxy smartwatch may require a minimum of 10MB of free storage in order to take a measurement, while a mobile device may require at least 100MB of free storage for automatic transfer. Having sufficient storage space is important to ensure that you are able to track and manage your blood pressure and ECG readings effectively.


  • Always consult your doctor about your readings, regardless of the device used. They can guide you based on your situation, helping you manage your health effectively and reduce potential risks.
  • If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. 
  • To check supported countries, Click here.

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