How to Handle Electrical Shocks from Your Samsung Fridge

Last Update date : 2024-08-28

Electric shock is very dangerous and may cause death.  It can happen if an exposed hot wire is touching some part of the frame of your refrigerator. Please make sure that proper precautions are applied to your Samsung refrigerator.

 Samsung refrigerator

Electric shock accidents may happen, and you must do the following once you experience them.

  1. Remove the plug from the electrical socket.
  2. Turn off the circuit breaker.
1 Check if there is water leakage from the fridge or from a different source.
2 Make sure that the refrigerator is grounded.

The refrigerator can accumulate static electricity on its surface and can shock if someone touches its metal part. If the Samsung refrigerator is properly grounded, this static electricity would have been removed. This rule must be applied for a refrigerator and for any other appliance.

3 Avoid octopus wiring by connecting your Samsung Refrigerator to a shared electrical socket.

Other appliances connected to the same extension plug or extension wire may cause electrical leakage that can cause electrical shocks.

 octopus wiring
1 Switch off the refrigerator and remove the power cable.
2 3 plug socket is required for proper earthing else current will flow in the body of the unit. It is advisable that get the earthing checked by the local electrician.
3 Never under any circumstance, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For safety: The appliance must be properly grounded.
4 Do not use extension cable as other appliances connected to the same extension may have leaked electricity and transferred it to this appliance.

Note: If the following tips are not helpful, you may need to book a service visit.  Please call our contact center to get help about the issue, and our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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