How to know which apps are using your camera or microphone

Last Update date : 2024-03-31

Privacy and transparency regarding the use of the camera and microphone by certain applications is a major concern for Samsung. To improve the user privacy protection experience, Samsung has included several enhancements.

View of the main screen with the green dot active at the top of the notification panel.

The green sign on the notification panel is a tool that displays when an application is accessing the device's camera or microphone in real-time. 

If you tap on the green sign, you can see which applications are using these functions.

How to check apps that are using your camera or microphone

Step 1. View of a call where the camera and microphone chip appears. The other indicators are hidden for a while. Step 1. View of a call where the camera and microphone chip appears. The other indicators are hidden for a while.

Step 1.The green sign at the top right, shows whether the microphone, camera, or both are in use.

Step 2. View of the green dot at the top right of the screen during a call a few seconds later. The other indicators also appear again. Step 2. View of the green dot at the top right of the screen during a call a few seconds later. The other indicators also appear again.

Step 2.Try to open the Camera app and keep watching the top right of your screen.

Step 3. View of the notifications menu displayed during the call with the green dot at the right top of the screen. Tap on the green dot. Step 3. View of the notifications menu displayed during the call with the green dot at the right top of the screen. Tap on the green dot.

Step 3. Open the notification bar and tap on the green sign.

Step 4. View of the notifications menu displaying the applications that are currently using the camera or microphone. Step 4. View of the notifications menu displaying the applications that are currently using the camera or microphone.

Step 4. Now you can easily see which application is using the camera or microphone.

Check and modify camera and microphone access permissions.

You can check your camera and microphone status and change them as needed.

If you want to check the permission list, please follow the next steps.

1 In the Settings menu, tap on the Security and privacy option.
Security and privacy
2 In the Privacy menu, tap on “Permission Manager” option.
Permission manager
3 In the Permission Manager menu, you can review which apps have permission to use the camera, microphone, or both.
Check Apps for Permission manager

Please, follow the next steps.

1 In the Settings menu, tap on the "Privacy" option.
2 In the Privacy menu, tap on “Camera access/Microphone access”.
“Camera access/Microphone access”.
3 You can turn on ON / OFF the Microphone and Camera access.
Permission usage

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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