Lines on Samsung TV screen

Last Update date : 2024-08-29

There are a few different ways you might see lines or missing pixels on the TV screen. To determine whether this is a software problem or a hardware issue, please follow the steps below:



1 Check whether the lines on the screen are moving or permanent.
2 If the lines sway, check the input source (HDMI 1, Video, PC, etc.) and connection to see if they are properly connected. Disconnect and reconnect the video cable/HDMI to check if the issue is resolved.
3 Pull up the Menu screen and check whether the issue persists.
4 If the lines continue to move or stay permanent, perform a Picture Test by selecting the following options below.

Performing a Picture Test

1 Press the Home icon Home button on your remote control and then select Menu
Select Menu
2 Press the Home icon Home button on your remote control and then select Menu
Select Menu
3 Navigate to Settings cog Settings then All Settings
Choose Settings then All Settings
4 Select Support then Device Care
Select Support then Device Care
5 Your device will run a quick scan. Once completed, highlight and select Self Diagnosis located at the bottom of the screen.
Self Diagnosis, middle button down the bottom of screen.
6 Scroll across and select Picture Test. Once selected, an information screen will appear stating that you are about to perform a Picture Test. Select OK to proceed.
Picture Test, second box in from the top left.
Picture Test information screen.
7 A test picture will now appear. If the issue is intermittent or does not always show in the picture test, it is worth booking a technician to service the TV as it may still be a hardware fault.
Picture test.

Follow the steps below to learn how to perform a Picture Test on your 2020 and 2021 model TVs 

1 Press the Home icon Home button on your Samsung remote control to bring up the Smart Hub and then select Settings cog Settings.
Samsung Smart Hub.
2 Scroll down to the Circle with a spanner inside Support tab and then select Device Care.

Note: If Device Care is grayed out, please exit the app running in the background of your TV.

Device Care, second from the top in centre list.
3 Your device will run a quick scan. Once completed, highlight and select Self Diagnosis located at the bottom of the screen.
Self Diagnosis, middle button down the bottom of screen.
4 Scroll across and select Picture Test. Once selected, an information screen will appear stating you are about to perform a Picture Test. Select OK to proceed.
Picture Test, second box in from the top left.
Picture Test information screen.
5 A test picture will now appear. If the issue is intermittent or does not always show in the picture test, it is worth booking a technician to service the TV as it may still be a hardware fault.
Picture test.

Note: To help with further diagnosis of your device, click on the link for information on running a scan using Device Care.

1 Press the Home icon Home button on your Samsung remote control to bring up the Smart Hub and then select Settings cog Settings.
Smart Hub
2 Scroll down the tabs on the left-hand side and select Cloud with a question mark in it. Support . Once you are on the Support menu, select Self Diagnosis .

Note: If Self Diagnosis is grayed out, please exit the app running in the background of your TV.  

Support Menu
3 On the Self Diagnosis page scroll down the page and select Picture Test. You will then see a pop-up box informing you that a test photo will be shown. Select OK to advance.
Self Diagnosis Menu
Picture Test prompt
4 A test picture will now appear. If the issue is intermittent or does not always show in the picture test, it is worth booking a technician to service the TV as it may still be a hardware fault.
Smart TV: There are horizontal/vertical lines on the TV screen

2015 Models: Menu > Support > Self-Diagnosis > Picture Test

1 Press the Home button on your Samsung remote control to bring up the Smart Hub and then select Settings.
2 Scroll down to the Support tab and then select Device Care.
device care
3 Scroll across and select Self Diagnosis.
self diagnosis
4 select Picture Test.
picture test
5 If the picture looks normal press Yes, if there is an issue with the picture try to do Picture Reset.


  • Make sure to update the software:  Settings- Support-Software Update-Update Now
  • If the problem persists,  please contact our Contact Center experts.

*This feature is only available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information

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