
The Power of Multi-Band Radios: Unlocking Faster Speeds, Better Coverage and a Smaller Footprint

Aug 22. 2023
  • Jungchul Kim, RAN Strategy Lead, Product Strategy Group, Networks Business at Samsung Electronics

    Jungchul Kim

    RAN Strategy Lead, Product Strategy Group, Networks Business at Samsung Electronics

Mobile network operators (MNOs) constantly strive to improve their performance and coverage as the demand for mobile data skyrockets. With the emergence of new technologies and ever-increasing consumer expectations, MNOs face intense pressure to provide reliable, high-speed connectivity to their customers. Additionally, as the number of mobile devices and applications grows, MNOs are constantly searching for ways to optimize their networks to handle the ever-increasing data traffic. At the same time, MNOs also have to be conscious of sustainability as they continue to grow their networks. Multi-band radios are one solution that addresses all of these MNO concerns and provides multiple advantages.


Breaking down the differences: single-band vs. multi-band radios in mobile networks


The main difference between traditional single-band and multi-band radios in a mobile operator's network is their ability to connect to multiple frequency bands. Mobile communications today operate in low-band (< 1 GHz), mid-band (1-6 GHz), which includes C-band and CBRS, and high-band (> 6 GHz), which includes the mmWave frequencies. Low bands are valued for their ability to send signals far and through buildings, though they are limited in their ability to carry data. High bands carry vast amounts of data, but signals typically travel relatively shorter distances. The mid-bands, often referred to as the 'sweet spot', carry sufficient data and travel further than high-bands. Each band has its own unique value to network operators.


While single-band radios are designed to operate on a specific frequency band, multi-band radios can support multiple frequency bands in one unit. This means they have the capability to offer better network coverage and capacity and support more users simultaneously. Due to their differentiated capabilities, multi-band radios can be more cost-efficient to operators who provide services in multiple frequency bands. Instead of deploying several single-band radios to cover different spectrum bands, MNOs can deploy one multi-band radio that can support multiple frequencies, as needed in their network.


Multi-band radios offer many advantages over single-band radios in a mobile network that operates in multiple frequency bands, including:


  • Power consumption: Instead of deploying two different radios for two frequency bands, operators can just install one multi-band radio to support these bands simultaneously. This reduces the number of radios required, leading to improved power consumption and lower operating costs.
  • Smaller footprint: Multi-band radios also reduce the need for additional deployment space. This results in a smaller cell site footprint, which is particularly beneficial in urban areas where space is limited. It can also lead to faster deployment times and less labor costs.
  • Facilitating faster zoning: Multi-band radios can facilitate more rapid zoning approvals, as they can provide multiple services in a single installation. This reduces the need for multiple installations and can simplify the zoning process, leading to faster deployment times and easier siting in general.


As mobile networks continue to expand and evolve, multi-band solutions will likely become increasingly important for improving network performance, efficiency and sustainability.


Samsung's leadership in multi-band radios


Samsung is one of the leading network solutions vendors in the world and has been providing multi-band radios for years, with both dual-band and tri-band solutions. Samsung supports the multi-band radio requirements for major mobile network operators across the globe, including North America, Asia and Europe.


Samsung offers a variety of multi-band Massive MIMO radios, including one that supports both CBRS and C-band, another that supports both low and mid-band frequencies, and another that supports multiple high bands. Samsung's radios support both FDD and TDD bands, and its multi-band radios can support 2G, 4G and 5G. New to the lineup, is Samsung’s dual-band mmWave Compact Macro, which supports both 28GHz and 39GHz in a small, integrated form factor.


Samsung’s multi-band radios are equipped with advanced features like radio frequency (RF) power sharing for flexible multi-band operation, carrier aggregation, which allows the network to combine multiple frequency bands to provide higher data rates to its users, and beamforming, which creates sharp beams that precisely target users and extends network coverage. In addition, our multi-band radios are designed to be energy efficient, equipped with the latest energy saving software features and cutting-edge chipsets. There are various energy saving software—including features that temporarily controls the transmit module, turns off unused carriers, limits partial transmit paths or controls the overall radio transmit power during the hours of low data traffic.


With the ability to operate on multiple frequency bands, Samsung's radio solutions quickly adapt to changing network conditions and provide better coverage and connectivity to mobile users. Additionally, Samsung's multi-band radios are O-RAN compliant, and have proven reliability and performance in wide-scale commercial networks.



Multi-band radios offer several advantages for mobile network operators. These radios provide improved network coverage, increased network capacity, better service quality, flexibility and smaller footprint. Using multi-band radios, MNOs can improve their networks' performance and coverage while remaining sustainable.

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