Management Committee

We practice progressive and innovative entrepreneurship
under the principle of transparent and responsible management


General description

The Management Committee deliberates and decides matters either delegated by the Board of Directors, or specified in the Articles of Incorporation or Regulations of the Board of Directors, aiming to enhance professionalism and efficiency of decision making.


In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Management Committee shall consist of at least two but no more than ten Directors who are appointed by resolution at a meeting of the Board of Directors. The Committee currently consists of three Executive Directors.

List of Committees
Management Committee
Jong-Hee Han
(Head of the Committee)
Tae-Moon Roh Jung-Bae Lee


Convention & resolution
Management Committee meetings are held on an ad hoc basis. The Head of the Committee shall call meetings and notify members and other participants of the meeting time and place at least 24 hours in advance.
The presence of a majority of all Committee members shall constitute a quorum and resolutions shall be adopted by a majority of the votes of members attending the meeting; provided that the Committee meeting may take place via electronic means, such as by conference call, within the scope provided by relevant laws.

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the Management Committee shall deliberate and decide the following matters:

  • Development of annual or mid- to long-term management plans and strategies
  • Establishment of major business strategies
  • Promotion of cooperation with foreign companies, including strategic partnerships
  • Acquisitions or sales of domestic and overseas subsidiaries
  • Conclusions of technology license agreements, technology transfers, and technological partnerships
  • Basic operating principles
  • Determination of and changes to basic principles concerning salaries, bonuses, and the Company's welfare system
  • Issuance of bonds
  • Capex, etc.
