55" Odyssey Ark 2nd Gen 曲面電競顯示器 (165Hz)

55" Odyssey Ark 2nd Gen 曲面電競顯示器 (165Hz)


  • 🖥️ 送27" ViewFinity S7 UHD 顯示器
    👍消費滿HK$2,000 即可享高達36個月免息分期
    💳DBS信用卡:高達港幣$2,000 回贈【條款及細則】
  • 55吋特大1000R曲面螢幕
  • 升級Multi View跨裝置觀看功能,同時觀看4個畫面
  • 165Hz刷新率和1ms反應時間,超流暢遊戲體驗
  • 革命性量子Mini LED矩陣技術精確控制光源
  • Ark Dial 無線旋鈕盤靈活操控螢幕


顏色 :


  • A monitor is on a desk with 4 sections on its screen. The monitor pivots from horizontal to vertical, before rotating to the right to show its Eclipse lighting on its side. The vertical screen is split into three sections - video, streaming and game.
  • A video shows a multi-monitor computer set up, labeled "Without Ark." 4 monitors are being used: one playing a streaming video, one playing an MMORPG video game, one displaying options on a video streaming service, and one with a video game wizard walking toward a portal. The video swipes from the right, now labeled "With Ark," showing the same content spread across 4 sections of one screen. On the top left, an icon labels the streaming video section as input from a media player. On the top right, an icon labels the streaming video service options as input from a laptop. On the bottom left, an icon labels the video game as a PC tower input. On the bottom right, an icon labels the wizard video game character screen as a gaming console input.
    4 Input Multi View跨裝置技術
  • Two rocket ships are flying away firing missiles at the same planet. The screen is split diagonally with the left side showing 120Hz refresh rate and 5ms response time compared to the right side which shows 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time, demonstrating the difference between a conventional monitor and Odyssey Ark.
    165Hz 刷新率 & 1ms 反應時間
  • A monitor screen is split into two sections. Above the left side says 'Edge LED' and above the right side says 'Quantum Mini-LED'. Quantum Mini-LED part expands which make the screen clearer as the monitor rotates around to the lef
After the words "The Chosen Journey On", a monitor facing frontward spins 180 degrees to reveal the back, before zooming into its upper part of the screen. The monitor screen then pivots from horizontal to vertical. The words "Your Personal Gaming Theater"appears and then replaced to "Odyssey Ark". After the words "The Chosen Journey On", a monitor facing frontward spins 180 degrees to reveal the back, before zooming into its upper part of the screen. The monitor screen then pivots from horizontal to vertical. The words "Your Personal Gaming Theater"appears and then replaced to "Odyssey Ark".



讓你沉浸在栩栩如生的影像中。55 吋屏幕帶來身歷其境的視覺震撼,締造出讓你腎上腺素飆升的感官體驗, 將沉浸式遊戲體驗提升到全新境界;1000R 曲面設計則大大擴展你的視野,讓你彷彿置身於遊戲世界。

* 最佳觀看距離為 80 厘米以上


座艙模式 & 光效同步設計

感覺宛如身處駕駛艙內。透過 HAS、傾斜及旋轉功能,將屏幕轉向至直向座艙模式,加上搭配光效同步功能,創造全新的觀看體驗,締造出一種前所未有的沉浸式遊戲體驗。

A monitor is on a desk with 4 sections on its screen. The monitor pivots from horizontal to vertical, before rotating to the right to show its Eclipse lighting on its side. The vertical screen is split into three sections - video, streaming and game. A monitor is on a desk with 4 sections on its screen. The monitor pivots from horizontal to vertical, before rotating to the right to show its Eclipse lighting on its side. The vertical screen is split into three sections - video, streaming and game.

* 如欲顯示 9:16 比例,需於初始設定選擇直向模式。**直式座艙模式需手動旋轉螢幕。


Ark Dial 無線旋鈕盤

專為 Odyssey Ark 而設的太陽能旋鈕盤。Ark Dial 無線旋鈕盤讓玩家能靈活操控螢幕,輕鬆快速地使用各項功能,包括畫面最適化 (Flex Move Screen)、多重視窗、Game Bar。視界戰局,由你扭轉掌握。

The monitor screen displays the Ark Dial toolbar, with the Ark Dial placed in front of the monitor turning focus of toolbar from home to Flex Move Screen, and to Multi view. Four logos - Flex Move Screen, Multi View, Game Bar, Quick Settings - are placed on the upper side of the screen. The monitor screen displays the Ark Dial toolbar, with the Ark Dial placed in front of the monitor turning focus of toolbar from home to Flex Move Screen, and to Multi view. Four logos - Flex Move Screen, Multi View, Game Bar, Quick Settings - are placed on the upper side of the screen.


4 Input Multi View 跨裝置技術

一種全新的觀看方式。透過升級版的Multi View跨裝置觀看功能,一次連接並觀看最多4個畫面,甚至同時玩遊戲主機和PC遊戲。當您與朋友聯繫時,你可以專注於遊戲,並在同一屏幕上查找最佳策略,同時保持你的桌面整潔和沒有電線。

A video shows a multi-monitor computer set up, labeled "Without Ark." 4 monitors are being used: one playing a streaming video, one playing an MMORPG video game, one displaying options on a video streaming service, and one with a video game wizard walking toward a portal. The video swipes from the right, now labeled "With Ark," showing the same content spread across 4 sections of one screen. On the top left, an icon labels the streaming video section as input from a media player. On the top right, an icon labels the streaming video service options as input from a laptop. On the bottom left, an icon labels the video game as a PC tower input. On the bottom right, an icon labels the wizard video game character screen as a gaming console input. A video shows a multi-monitor computer set up, labeled "Without Ark." 4 monitors are being used: one playing a streaming video, one playing an MMORPG video game, one displaying options on a video streaming service, and one with a video game wizard walking toward a portal. The video swipes from the right, now labeled "With Ark," showing the same content spread across 4 sections of one screen. On the top left, an icon labels the streaming video section as input from a media player. On the top right, an icon labels the streaming video service options as input from a laptop. On the bottom left, an icon labels the video game as a PC tower input. On the bottom right, an icon labels the wizard video game character screen as a gaming console input.

*在座艙模式下,Multi View跨裝置觀看功能可以在一個顯示器上顯示最多三個螢幕。** 在Multi View模式下不支援遊戲模式、可變刷新率(VRR)和雲端遊戲。*** 在多視圖模式下,支援外部輸入的刷新率高達120Hz。**** 根據服務提供商、語言或地理區域的不同,某些Smart Hub功能可能無法使用。


KVM 切換器

你的指揮中心為你提供全面控制。使用單一滑鼠和鍵盤,你可以在Odyssey Ark上使用多台個人電腦和內建應用程式。在一個螢幕上移動滑鼠,跨越所有已連接設備的顯示器,輕鬆控制不同的設備。

A video shows the Ark with a mouse and keyboard. The screen is divided into 4 sections: one playing a streaming video, one playing an MMORPG video game, one displaying options on a video streaming service, and one with a video game wizard walking toward a portal. A mouse hovers to the top right section with the video streaming service and clicks. An outline appears around that section of the screen, and a search bar appears. In the search bar, the word "Odyssey" is typed. A video shows the Ark with a mouse and keyboard. The screen is divided into 4 sections: one playing a streaming video, one playing an MMORPG video game, one displaying options on a video streaming service, and one with a video game wizard walking toward a portal. A mouse hovers to the top right section with the video streaming service and clicks. An outline appears around that section of the screen, and a search bar appears. In the search bar, the word "Odyssey" is typed.

*此功能與外置PC輸入和Odyssey Ark的內建應用程式相容。支援可能因應用程式而異。** 每台PC必須透過USB上行線連接。USB上行線需另外購買。*** 需要在每台個人電腦上安裝Easy Setting Box程式。請參考專用安裝頁面,獲取有關Easy Setting Box的詳細資訊。**** 圖片僅為說明目的而模擬。



找出完美的獲勝位置。畫面最適化功能讓玩家能透過Ark Dial 無線旋鈕盤將畫面尺寸從 55 吋調整為 27 吋, 亦能移動畫面顯示及調整比例大小 (16:9 > 21:9 > 32:9),體驗在任何遊戲中都能縮放自如。

The sun is rising behind a planet on the left side of the screen, surrounded by a screen border which shows a spaceship windscreen. The monitor screen zooms out showing the change from 55 inches to 27 inches. The screen then moves up and down to demonstrate Flex Move Screen functionality. The sun is rising behind a planet on the left side of the screen, surrounded by a screen border which shows a spaceship windscreen. The monitor screen zooms out showing the change from 55 inches to 27 inches. The screen then moves up and down to demonstrate Flex Move Screen functionality.
The sun is rising behind a planet on the left side of the screen, surrounded by a screen border which shows a spaceship windscreen. The monitor screen zooms out showing the change from 55 inches to 27 inches. The screen then moves up and down to demonstrate Flex Move Screen functionality. The sun is rising behind a planet on the left side of the screen, surrounded by a screen border which shows a spaceship windscreen. The monitor screen zooms out showing the change from 55 inches to 27 inches. The screen then moves up and down to demonstrate Flex Move Screen functionality.



找出完美的獲勝位置。畫面最適化功能讓玩家能透過Ark Dial 無線旋鈕盤將畫面尺寸從 55 吋調整為 27 吋, 亦能移動畫面顯示及調整比例大小 (16:9 > 21:9 > 32:9),體驗在任何遊戲中都能縮放自如。

The monitor screen zooms out to show 21:9 ratio, before zooming out further to show 32:9 ratio. 32:9 reveals a wider view from the spaceship windscreen to show more of the space landscape on the left and right. The monitor screen zooms out to show 21:9 ratio, before zooming out further to show 32:9 ratio. 32:9 reveals a wider view from the spaceship windscreen to show more of the space landscape on the left and right.
The monitor screen zooms out to show 21:9 ratio, before zooming out further to show 32:9 ratio. 32:9 reveals a wider view from the spaceship windscreen to show more of the space landscape on the left and right. The monitor screen zooms out to show 21:9 ratio, before zooming out further to show 32:9 ratio. 32:9 reveals a wider view from the spaceship windscreen to show more of the space landscape on the left and right.
  • * 屏幕上的內容為模擬效果圖像,僅供示範之用。**透過遊戲設定列 (Game Bar) 或 Quick Settings (快速設定) 調整畫面比例。



採用量子 Mini LED 的革命性量子矩陣技術,可精確控制光源與使對比得以強化,讓畫面細節完美呈現。配以由 HDR 精準控制先進的14-bit背光單位,創造出無可比擬的畫質。

A monitor screen is split into two sections. Above the left side says 'Edge LED' and above the right side says 'Quantum Mini-LED'. Quantum Mini-LED part expands which make the screen clearer as the monitor rotates around to the lef A monitor screen is split into two sections. Above the left side says 'Edge LED' and above the right side says 'Quantum Mini-LED'. Quantum Mini-LED part expands which make the screen clearer as the monitor rotates around to the lef

AI 演算,締造 4K 影院體驗


透過結合 20個多層神經網絡,AI 高效處理器可分析影像資料,並逐一還原影像細節。自動而精確地調節亮度與強化對比度,使觀看畫質非凡進化。

A race car is driving down the road against a blurred city backdrop before a microchip "Neural Quantum Processor Ultra" appears overlaid on top of the car. Key areas of the car and backdrop are identified and enhanced before the full scene appears in crisp clarity. A race car is driving down the road against a blurred city backdrop before a microchip "Neural Quantum Processor Ultra" appears overlaid on top of the car. Key areas of the car and backdrop are identified and enhanced before the full scene appears in crisp clarity.


支援 HDR 10+

從深沉陰影到烈日當空的場景,1,000,000:1 的對比度可增強色彩表現力和深度,呈現每個明暗細節。加上 HDR 10+ 所帶來的對戰優勢,會自動地調整遊戲場景,讓你掌握每個致勝的細節。




The gamer's face is seen reflected to the screen. A dotted line scans across the screen from left to right. "Matte Display" on the left is not seen with reflected the gamer's look, while "Glossy Display" on the right still shows as his reflected. The UL verification logo on the right corner. The gamer's face is seen reflected to the screen. A dotted line scans across the screen from left to right. "Matte Display" on the left is not seen with reflected the gamer's look, while "Glossy Display" on the right still shows as his reflected. The UL verification logo on the right corner.


Sound Dome 技術

搭載了四組角落揚聲器和兩組中央低音揚聲器,從而創造出一個 60W 2.2.2 聲道,產生出任何遊戲屏幕或遊戲揚聲器中最低的 45Hz 音頻。AI Sound Booster 和 Dolby Atmos 杜比全景聲將音效提升至新境界,讓你被立體聲效所包圍,彷彿置身在遊戲世界中。

A rocket ship is flying toward a planet. Four marks appears with the words "4 x speakers" to show the position of speakers and after that, "2 x woofers"  as the position of woofers highlighted. A translucent dome appears over the monitor with multiple circles appearing on each corner of the monitor A rocket ship is flying toward a planet. Four marks appears with the words "4 x speakers" to show the position of speakers and after that, "2 x woofers"  as the position of woofers highlighted. A translucent dome appears over the monitor with multiple circles appearing on each corner of the monitor


無人能及的4K 遊戲畫面刷新率

165Hz 刷新率 & 1ms(GtG) 反應時間

電光火石間,也能征服每個敵人。 165Hz 刷新率帶來超流暢的動作,消除了影像延遲;你可以 1ms(GtG) 反應時間、精準的滑鼠游標移動、和無模糊畫面,以及最微量的動態殘影,精準地識別敵人。

* 實際反應時間可能因內容和顯示器設置而異。 * "1 ms“ 表示平均反應時間介於 1.00 毫秒至 1.99 毫秒之間,截為整數。 * 基於在內部測試條件下測得的 GtG。 結果可能因內容和監視器設定而異(需要“極速模式”設定)。 * GtG(灰階到灰階)測量監視器像素從一個灰階值變化到另一個灰階值所需的時間。


AMD FreeSync Premium Pro

快速動作無縫流暢。AMD FreeSync Premium Pro 支援可變更新率 (VRR),使 GPU 與面板保持同步,減少畫面間斷、延遲及圖像撕裂,使快速動作及複雜遊戲場景更為穩定流暢,讓你對戰時的優勢大幅提升。

快速設定 贏得勝利

Game Bar 即時查看遊戲狀態及調整螢幕設定

現在,你能輕鬆檢視 FPS (每秒幀數)、HDR (高動態範圍成像) 及 VRR (可變更新頻率) 的狀態。無需離開遊戲,也可調整反應時間、畫面比例、以及遊戲畫面模式至最佳設定。

* 只在遊戲或電腦支援超寬廣解像度時,才可於遊戲設定列中調整屏幕比例。


Smart TV 體驗

只需將屏幕連接至 WiFi,即可在馬拉松式打機中稍作休息,收看不可錯過的串流媒體內容。可個性化內容推介,多元娛樂近在呎尺。

*應用程式可用性可能因國家/地區而有所不同,並可能需要另行訂閱。*需連接網路。不包括電視選道器 (TV tuner)。* Samsung TV Plus 和 Universal Guide 可能在某些地區不可用。


  • 屏幕尺寸 55"
  • 刷新率 165 Hz
  • 曲面屏幕 1000R



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