57" Odyssey Neo G9 G95NC曲面電競顯示器 (240Hz)



顏色 : 白色


57" Odyssey Neo G9 G95NC曲面電競顯示器 (240Hz)

HK$ 21,980.00

或 免息分期每月 HK$ 610.56 起*



A single monitor is divided into two sections on its screen. Across both sections, an image is shown of a spaceship flying toward a wheel-like space docking station, in orbit of a nearby planet, with more planets in the background. Both sides of the screen show the dimensions of a 32-inch UHD monitor, 3840x2160. Centered above both sections of the screen, text reads "57-inch Dual UHD. 7680 x 2160."


A gamer plays Black Desert on the Odyssey monitor. On the screen, a character uses their abilities in front of a stone building, surrounded by trees and foliage.


A monitor is divided into two sections to compare the amount of dimming zones between Edge LED and Quantum Mini-LED. On the left side, it reads "Edge LED" and the screen is divided into sections horizontally, saying "10 Local dimming zone." The right side reads "Quantum Mini-LED" and shows the screen with many dots throuhgout the screen, reading "2392 Local dimming zone." The dimming zones light up.The Odyssey Neo G9 turns 45 degrees and shows a horizon lit by a star from behind the planet, and space off to the left of the planet. Dots emerge from behind the monitor and flow light into the monitor, to represent the Quantum Mini LEDs that light the screen.


On the monitor screen, cars race out of a monitor, away from a futuristic city. A connection cable labeled “DP 2.1” is shown below the monitor screen.

240Hz 刷新率


超越現實 征服所有

A spaceship is shown on an Odyssey monitor, flying into a colorful field of galaxies in space. In the bottom left, a badge notes the monitor as a winner of the CES Innovation Awards for 2023 Best of Innovation. A spaceship is shown on an Odyssey monitor, flying into a colorful field of galaxies in space. In the bottom left, a badge notes the monitor as a winner of the CES Innovation Awards for 2023 Best of Innovation.



遊戲世界感覺更加真實。57 吋 DUHD 解像度為你帶來猶如兩部超高清顯示器般闊度的顯示屏,呈現出無與倫比的細節、清晰銳利圖像和闊廣的視野。讓你能細看更多動作,不錯過任何東西,從而果斷地作出行動 。

A single monitor is divided into two sections on its screen. Across both sections, an image is shown of a spaceship flying toward a wheel-like space docking station, in orbit of a nearby planet, with more planets in the background. Both sides of the screen show the dimensions of a 32-inch UHD monitor, 3840x2160. Centered above both sections of the screen, text reads "57-inch Dual UHD. 7680 x 2160." A single monitor is divided into two sections on its screen. Across both sections, an image is shown of a spaceship flying toward a wheel-like space docking station, in orbit of a nearby planet, with more planets in the background. Both sides of the screen show the dimensions of a 32-inch UHD monitor, 3840x2160. Centered above both sections of the screen, text reads "57-inch Dual UHD. 7680 x 2160."



生動逼真的場景將你包圍,而扣人心弦的遊戲體驗將提升至前所未有的新境界。57 吋 1000R 超廣闊曲面顯示屏擴展你的視野,讓你彷彿置身在遊戲世界,感受身歷其境的視覺震撼。

A gamer plays Black Desert on the Odyssey monitor. On the screen, a character uses their abilities in front of a stone building, surrounded by trees and foliage. A gamer plays Black Desert on the Odyssey monitor. On the screen, a character uses their abilities in front of a stone building, surrounded by trees and foliage.



無與倫比的視覺體驗。量子 Mini-LED 採用劃時代量子矩陣技術,締造出可控的光度和完美的對比度,實現精緻細膩的解像度。2,392 個局部調光區域,結合最高的12-bit深黑度,營造出無可比擬的畫質。

捉緊細節 擊敗對手

VESA 認證 DisplayHDR 1000

每個細節,一目了然。從灰暗的陰影,到刺眼的場景,2,000 nits亮度峰值和 1,000,000:1 對比度,可提升色彩表現力和深度。讓你輕鬆發現每個隱藏敵人,在遊戲可享無盡優勢。

On a monitor, a landscape with mountains and hills is seen in front of a planet and its moon in the sky. The landscape and sky both extend out from the monitor. In the bottom right, a badge logo reads, "VESA CERTIFIED DisplayHDR 1000." On a monitor, a landscape with mountains and hills is seen in front of a planet and its moon in the sky. The landscape and sky both extend out from the monitor. In the bottom right, a badge logo reads, "VESA CERTIFIED DisplayHDR 1000."


DP 2.1 輸入

240Hz 刷新率和 1ms 反應時間

以極快的速度,征服每一個敵人。高達 4K 120Hz 的動態刷新率,帶來更少的模糊以及最小化重影,讓你享受超流暢的遊戲體驗。所有全新的 DisplayPort 2.1 支援都能在具有可變刷新率的 Dual UHD 中提供相同的出色性能。

*要實現完整的DUHD 和240Hz 超高性能支援,所使用的顯示卡必須支持DP 2.1(UHBR 13.5 及以上)或HDMI 2.1(FRL 12Gbps)。實際規格和支持可能會因顯卡而異。請參閱顯示卡規格以了解更詳細資訊。 *實際響應時間可能會因內容和顯示器設置而異。
On the monitor screen, cars race out of a monitor, away from a futuristic city. A connection cable labeled “DP 2.1” is shown below the monitor screen. On the monitor screen, cars race out of a monitor, away from a futuristic city. A connection cable labeled “DP 2.1” is shown below the monitor screen.



AMD FreeSync Premium Pro

激烈的動作畫面,變得流暢無縫。透過 AMD FreeSync Premium Pro,可穩定而無間頓地投射出快速動作和複雜的遊戲場景,令你遊戲時的優勢大為提升。

*圖片為模擬影像,僅供參考。*Radeon Rx 200 顯示卡及後來推出的型號可支援 AMD FreeSync Premium Pro。

A space docking station is shown in front of a planet on two screens. The spacecraft on the right screen is blurred with the text “FreeSync OFF” underneath, and the left is sharp and clear with the text “AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON” underneath. A space docking station is shown in front of a planet on two screens. The spacecraft on the right screen is blurred with the text “FreeSync OFF” underneath, and the left is sharp and clear with the text “AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON” underneath.

*圖片為模擬影像,僅供參考。*Radeon Rx 200 顯示卡及後來推出的型號可支援 AMD FreeSync Premium Pro。


The curved Odyssey monitor is shown with a tablet, keyboard, X-Box controller, and laptop. Text explains the input connection options: HDMI 2.1, DP 2.1, and USB Hub with each icon on the side. The curved Odyssey monitor is shown with a tablet, keyboard, X-Box controller, and laptop. Text explains the input connection options: HDMI 2.1, DP 2.1, and USB Hub with each icon on the side.



多種輸入選項,讓你自由連接。HDMI 2.1、DisplayPort 2.1 和 USB Hub 讓你可連接到常用的設備,使遊戲更為流暢。

沉浸感 盡情放大

CoreSync & Core Lighting+

提升屏幕環境氣氛。透過 CoreSync 技術,遊戲的屏幕顏色會投射到現實世界中,使遊戲世界躍現在你身邊,讓你更為沉浸投入。全新的Core Lighting+,可為你的設定加添耀眼的色彩,即時令你所身處的環境氛圍一轉。

舒適視點 輕鬆連勝



A monitor is seen three times from different angles. One view shows the monitor from the top down, while an arrow shows that the monitor rotates from left to right, with the word "Swivel." In a view from the back of the monitor, an arrow curves up and down with the word "Tilt." In a different view from the back of the monitor, arrows point straight up and down with the words "Height adjustment." A monitor is seen three times from different angles. One view shows the monitor from the top down, while an arrow shows that the monitor rotates from left to right, with the word "Swivel." In a view from the back of the monitor, an arrow curves up and down with the word "Tilt." In a different view from the back of the monitor, arrows point straight up and down with the words "Height adjustment."


  • 解像度

    DUHD (7,680 x 2,160)

  • 屏幕比例


  • 平面 / 曲面


  • 屏幕尺寸 (Class)


  • 平面 / 曲面


  • 有效顯示面積 (水平 x 垂直) (mm)

    1394.6112 x 392.2344 mm

  • 屏幕弧度


  • 屏幕比例


  • 面板類型


  • 亮度 (典型)

    420 cd/㎡

  • 亮度 (最少)

    350 cd/㎡

  • 對比度 (靜態)

    2,500 : 1

  • 對比度 (動態)

    Mega DCR

  • HDR(High Dynamic Range)

    VESA DisplayHDR 1000

  • HDR10+

    HDR10+ Gaming

  • Mini LED Local Dimming

    Yes (2,392 zones)

  • 解像度

    DUHD (7,680 x 2,160)

  • 反應時間


  • 視角 (水平/垂直)


  • 色彩支援

    Max 1B

  • 色域 (DCI 覆蓋範圍)

    Typ 95%

  • 畫面更新率

    Max 240Hz

  • 眼睛保護模式

  • 無閃爍

  • 畫中畫

  • Picture-By-Picture

  • 量子點色彩技術

  • 影像大小

  • Windows 認證

    Windows 10

  • FreeSync

    FreeSync Premium Pro

  • Off Timer Plus

  • 黑平衡

  • 虛擬 AIM Point

  • Core Sync

  • 屏幕更新率優化器

  • Super Arena Gaming UX

  • 自動信號源切換

    Auto Source Switch+

  • Adaptive 影像

  • KVM Switch

  • DisplayPort

    1 EA

  • Display Port Version


  • HDCP Version (DP)


  • HDMI

    3 EA

  • HDMI Version


  • HDCP Version (HDMI)


  • 耳機

  • USB Ports


  • USB Hub Version


  • 溫度 (℃)


  • 濕度 (%)

    10%~80%, Non-Condensing

  • 原廠調校

  • 色彩模式

    Entertain/Graphic/Eco/Game Standard/FPS/RTS/RPG/Sports/Original/Custom

  • 原廠校正報告

  • 正面顏色


  • 背面顏色


  • 底座顏色


  • 底座/架


  • HAS (可調校高低機座)

    120.0mm( ± 5.0mm)

  • 傾斜搖動

    -3.0º(± 2°) ~ 10.0º(± 2°)

  • 左右旋轉

    -15.0º (± 2°)~ 15.0º(± 2°)

  • 掛牆架

    100 x 100

  • 電源供應器

    AC100-240V 50/60Hz

  • 耗電量 (最大)

    300 W

  • 類型

    Internal Power

  • 機身尺寸 (連機座, 闊 x 高 x 深) (mm)

    1327.5 x 601.0 x 499.6 mm

  • 機身尺寸 (不連機座架, 闊 x 高 x 深) (mm)

    1327.5 x 429.5 x 338.4 mm

  • 包裝尺寸 (闊 x 高 x 深) (mm)

    1455 x 420 x 557 mm

  • 機身連座檯架 (公斤)

    19.0 kg

  • 機身不連座檯架 (公斤)

    15.4 kg

  • 包裝重量 (公斤)

    26.8 kg

  • 電源線長度

    1.5 m

  • HDMI 連接線


  • DP 連接線

  • USB 3.0 線

  • 無 UL 眩光


User Manual

版本 2311020 | 17.57 MB


英文, 越南文, 阿拉伯語, 葡萄牙語, 法語




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- 產品圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準。如有任何爭議,三星電子香港有限公司保留最終之決定權。

- 所有名稱及註冊商標可能是各相關公司所擁有。