32" ViewFinity S8 S80UD UHD 顯示器


32" ViewFinity S8 S80UD UHD 顯示器


  • UHD逼真的細節及更超寬闊視野範圍
  • USB-C 可支援90W裝置充電和傳輸資料
  • 簡易安裝支架無需任何工具或螺絲


顏色 :


  • The monitor is shown with a photo editing software on it, editing an image of colorful balls and blocks. A square inside outlines part of the image, with the text "FHD" on it, showing that FHD would only show part of the screen. The text "QHD" shows that QHD would only show part of the screen. And, the text "UHD" is in the bottom right of the monitor, showing the full size is UHD.
  • A laptop, monitor, keyboard, mouse and mobile phone are all connected on a desk by a wire. Above the monitor, there are 4 icons, which are USB-C, LAN, Display Port, USB-A and USB-B.
    USB Type-C (90W)
  • The neck stand is inserted down to the bottom stand. And the neck stand turns to the monitor's rear side and it is finally attached to the rear of the monitor. “Easy Setup!’ message is shown. And the next of the monitor “No tools needed” icon included.
    Easy Setup Stand
  • In the top left of a grid, the monitor is shown from the side, with the text "TILT" next to it. The monitor head is shown tilting. The top right of the grid shows the monitor from the top down with the word "Swivel" next to it. The monitor is shown swiveling. The bottom left of the grid shows the front of the monitor on its stand, reading "Height Adjustable Stand." The bottom right of the grid shows the montor in verital orientation, with the text "Pivot" above it.
    Ergonomic Design


4 大特色

An icon of UHD is shown

UHD 超高清解像度

3840x2160 解像度,呈現清晰視覺效果

An icon of USB-C port is shown


USB-C 方便傳輸,充電更方便

An icon of Easy Seup Stand is shown



An icon of Ergonomic Design is shown




UHD 超高清解像度

完美滿足專業人士所追求的卓越視覺效果。UHD 超高清解像度(3840x2160)以更高的像素密度,展現更多細節。專業人士可發掘了解更多色彩細節、以更大的畫面去構建複雜的設計、圖表和處理動態影片, 使工作流程 更為流暢。



HDR10 可呈現 10.7 億種色彩

查看更廣闊的色域,獲取無與倫比的準確度和細節。HDR10 提供近乎無限的色調和逼真的色彩表現,暗部更深邃,亮部更明亮。每個畫面都能變得賞心悅目,讓你體驗到與原生內容完全一致的視覺效果。



具備 USB-C 及 LAN 連接埠

輕鬆連接不同裝置,為你塑造出高效的工作空間。USB-C 連接埠可同時進行 90W 充電和資料傳輸,而內建 LAN 埠則可為手提電腦提供流暢的以太網絡連接。


內置 KVM Switch

內置 KVM KVM Switch,讓你只需一個鍵盤和滑鼠,即可同時連接和控制顯示器上的兩部裝置。你可選擇分割畫面、畫中畫(PIP)或子母畫面(PBP)功能,Multitasking 更為得心應手,既能提高工作效率,又可省卻轉用不同裝置的麻煩。

A monitor is seen, with a keyboard and mouse in front of it,  a PC to its left and a laptop to its right. When KVM switch turns on, the PC is connected by a line reading "Source A", and the left of the monitor screen is activated. When KVM switch turns on once again, the laptop by a line that says "Source B", and the right side of the monitor screen is activated. A monitor is seen, with a keyboard and mouse in front of it,  a PC to its left and a laptop to its right. When KVM switch turns on, the PC is connected by a line reading "Source A", and the left of the monitor screen is activated. When KVM switch turns on once again, the laptop by a line that says "Source B", and the right side of the monitor screen is activated.
A monitor is seen, with a keyboard and mouse in front of it,  a PC to its left and a laptop to its right. When KVM switch turns on, the PC is connected by a line reading "Source A", and the left of the monitor screen is activated. When KVM switch turns on once again, the laptop by a line that says "Source B", and the right side of the monitor screen is activated. A monitor is seen, with a keyboard and mouse in front of it,  a PC to its left and a laptop to its right. When KVM switch turns on, the PC is connected by a line reading "Source A", and the left of the monitor screen is activated. When KVM switch turns on once again, the laptop by a line that says "Source B", and the right side of the monitor screen is activated.


內置 KVM Switch

內置 KVM KVM Switch,讓你只需一個鍵盤和滑鼠,即可同時連接和控制顯示器上的兩部裝置。你可選擇分割畫面、畫中畫(PIP)或子母畫面(PBP)功能,Multitasking 更為得心應手,既能提高工作效率,又可省卻轉用不同裝置的麻煩。


內置 KVM Switch

內置 KVM KVM Switch,讓你只需一個鍵盤和滑鼠,即可同時連接和控制顯示器上的兩部裝置。你可選擇分割畫面、畫中畫(PIP)或子母畫面(PBP)功能,Multitasking 更為得心應手,既能提高工作效率,又可省卻轉用不同裝置的麻煩。




The neck stand is inserted down to the bottom stand. And the neck stand turns to the monitor's rear side and it is finally attached to the rear of the monitor. “Easy Setup!’ message is shown. And the next of the monitor “No tools needed” icon included. The neck stand is inserted down to the bottom stand. And the neck stand turns to the monitor's rear side and it is finally attached to the rear of the monitor. “Easy Setup!’ message is shown. And the next of the monitor “No tools needed” icon included.



屏幕為可調整高度及前後傾斜的設計,為你帶來最舒適的位置及絕佳實用性。現在,更可將屏幕旋轉 90 度,讓你減少滑動的情況下,輕鬆瀏覽長篇文件。


通過 TUV 認證的智慧護眼功能

讓你雙眼保持明亮,舒緩疲勞。即使晚上使用,屏幕亮度及色溫亦會自動調整,無論任何環境下都能提供最佳觀賞體驗。 三星通過TUV認證的智慧護眼功能 (Intelligent Eye Care),透過低藍光模式,可減少屏幕閃爍,降低造成雙眼不適的藍光,保護你的雙眼。

The monitor onscreen brightness becomes adjusted following the exterior light's brightness. TUV Rheinland logo with Intelligent Eye Care certified is included on the right bottom of the monitor. The logo shows the site address, www.tuv.com The monitor onscreen brightness becomes adjusted following the exterior light's brightness. TUV Rheinland logo with Intelligent Eye Care certified is included on the right bottom of the monitor. The logo shows the site address, www.tuv.com
The monitor onscreen brightness becomes adjusted following the exterior light's brightness. TUV Rheinland logo with Intelligent Eye Care certified is included on the right bottom of the monitor. The logo shows the site address, www.tuv.com The monitor onscreen brightness becomes adjusted following the exterior light's brightness. TUV Rheinland logo with Intelligent Eye Care certified is included on the right bottom of the monitor. The logo shows the site address, www.tuv.com


通過 TUV 認證的智慧護眼功能

讓你雙眼保持明亮,舒緩疲勞。即使晚上使用,屏幕亮度及色溫亦會自動調整,無論任何環境下都能提供最佳觀賞體驗。 三星通過TUV認證的智慧護眼功能 (Intelligent Eye Care),透過低藍光模式,可減少屏幕閃爍,降低造成雙眼不適的藍光,保護你的雙眼。



2024 Samsung ViewFinity 顯示器*含有至少 14%** 的可回收塑膠。此外,我們在顯示器的塑膠上不使用化學噴劑,並在包裝盒接合處使用膠水去代替釘書釘,因此可被回收利用。

*僅 S60UD、S60D、S70D、S80UD。 **再生材料的百分比可能因成分而異,是根據產品所使用的塑膠總重量計算 (再生材料重量/塑膠總重量)。


  • 屏幕尺寸 (Class) 32"
  • 平面 / 曲面 平面
  • 屏幕比例 16:9
  • 解像度 4K (3,840 x 2,160)



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+ 顏色只供參考;詳情請向店員查詢。

- 產品圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準。如有任何爭議,三星電子香港有限公司保留最終之決定權。

- 所有名稱及註冊商標可能是各相關公司所擁有。