
最後更新日期 : 2022年6月23日
SmartThings app with devices registered.


1. 如果Wi-Fi無線存取點只支援5G Hz頻率,請把設定更改至同時支援2.4 Ghz頻率。

2. 檢查Wi-Fi無線存取點是否隱藏。


1. 先把裝置從SmartThings中移除

Step 1. Launch the SmartThings app and tap ¨Devices¨ from the menu at the Bottom. Step 1. Launch the SmartThings app and tap ¨Devices¨ from the menu at the Bottom.

步驟1. 點選下方導覽列的「裝置」以查看所有裝置。

Step 2. Press and hold on the device you want to delete. Step 2. Press and hold on the device you want to delete.

步驟2. 輕按欲移除的裝置。

Step 3. Tap ¨Edit¨. Step 3. Tap ¨Edit¨.

步驟3. 點選「編輯」。

Step 4. Tap ¨Delete Device¨. Step 4. Tap ¨Delete Device¨.

步驟4. 點選「移除裝置」。

2. 重新註冊裝置

Step 1. Launch the SmartThings app and tap the “+” symbol at the top of the screen. Step 1. Launch the SmartThings app and tap the “+” symbol at the top of the screen.

步驟1. 點選右上方「+」更多圖示。

Step 2. Tap “Device” to add a device. Step 2. Tap “Device” to add a device.

步驟2. 點選「裝置」。

Step 3. Tap the type of device you wish to add. Step 3. Tap the type of device you wish to add.

步驟3. 點選欲新增裝置的類型。




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