How do I install or run a program that requires 1024x768 resolution on my Samsung netbook?

Last Update date : Nov 24. 2020



The NC10 netbook has a maximum resolution of 1024x600. Many applications require a minimum resolution of 1024x768 to install or run. Due to the resolution requirement, these applications are not compatible with the NC10 netbook.



You may be able to work around the minimum resolution requirement by temporarily changing the NC10’s resolution to 1024x768. To change the resolution to 1024x768, follow these steps:

1) Right click your desktop, and then left click Properties.

2) Click the Settings tab to view display properties.



3) Click the Advanced button.

4) Click the Monitor tab.


5) Remove the checkmark from the box labeled “Hide modes that this monitor cannot display,” and then click Ok.

6) Move the slider underneath Screen resolution to 1024x768 or higher, and then click Ok.

7) You should now be able to install or run your program. However, the desktop will be larger than the screen, and you will need to scroll in order to see the entire desktop. To fix this, adjust the resolution back to 1024x600 afte finishing your job.

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