[Windows 10] I can’t Find a Nearby PC so I can’t Share Files using “Near Share” (Hong-Kong version)

Last Update date : Sep 28. 2020

Depending on your sharing settings, you may not be able to find nearby PCs or you may only find some PCs when searching for PCs in Near Share.


1 Click the [Start] button on the taskbar, and then click [Settings].
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2 Click [System].
near share, samsung pc, hong kong, hk, share files, notebook, tablet
3 Click [Shared experiences].
samsung pc, notebook, laptop, near share, share files, sharing, tablet
4 Under [Share across devices], set search/sharing to [Everyone nearby] or [My devices only].
share experience, samsung notebook, tablet, laptop, samsung pc, near share, sharing files
5 If set to [Everyone nearby], you can find all PCs near you with Near Share enabled and share with them, for example by sending files to them.
samsung pc, notebook, tablet, near share, sharing files, share
6 If set to [My devices only], you can only find PCs on which you are logged into the same Microsoft account (or the same Microsoft Azure account) and can only share with these devices.
share files, sharing, near share, samsung pc, tablet, notebook, laptop

- The above description is only applicable to the Windows 10 on Samsung computers (Hong-Kong version) in year 2018. The above description was updated in October 2018 and for reference only.

- Windows is either registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other products and services mentioned may belong to their respective trademark owners.

- Images are for reference only.

Thank you for your feedback!

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