How to Use Jog Controller on my Samsung TV?

Last Update date : Oct 29. 2020

When you are watching TV or movies, the following Jog Controller is shown.

How to Use Jog Controller on my Samsung TV?

If you press the central part of the above Jog Controller, the following Controller will appear for more options. 

How to Use Jog Controller on my Samsung TV?

Smart Hub : Opens up Smart Hub

Return : Brings back to TV viewing

Source : Changes the source

Power Off : Turns TV off

Menu : Opens up the TV Menu


You can use the jog control by pressing the Power button at the back of your TV.

How to Use Jog Controller on my Samsung TV?

Note: This function is available on Samsung TV Series F, H, and J. Old TV models do not support Jog Controller.

Samsung TV: What is Jog Controller?


The Jog Control feature is a quick and easy way to enable and access certain functions and features on your Samsung TV without a remote control. This control is located on the rear or bottom right side of the TV and will feel like a little joystick. Move the Jog conroller towards the icons indicated on the sides to control channel and volume. Press and hold the Jog controller to turn off the TV.

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