1.5 PK WindFree™ Air Conditioner Wall-mount AI Auto Cooling and Galaxy Watch7 (Bluetooth, 40mm)


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1.5 PK WindFree™ Air Conditioner Wall-mount AI Auto Cooling and Galaxy Watch7 (Bluetooth, 40mm)

Mulai dari Rp 748.692/bln bunga 0% selama 12 bulan atau Rp 8.984.300

Rp 12.398.000 Hemat Rp 3.413.700


1.5 PK WindFree™ Air Conditioner Wall-mount -AI Auto Cooling
  • WindFree™ Cooling icon
    WindFree™ Cooling
  • AI Auto Cooling icon
    AI Auto Cooling
  • WindFree™ Good Sleep icon
    WindFree™ Good Sleep

Nyaman tanpa kedinginan

WindFree™ Cooling

Tetap nyaman tanpa kedinginan dengan WindFree™ Cooling. Teknologi yang mampu menyebarkan udara dingin melalui 23,000 lubang udara mikro membuatnya tidak menimbulkan sensasi kedinginan pada kulit. Udara sejuk yang dikeluarkan juga menyebar ke sudut ruangan secara merata. Selain itu, fitur WindFree™ Cooling menggunakan energi 77% lebih hemat dari Fast Cooling.*

Nyaman Tanpa Kedinginan Nyaman Tanpa Kedinginan

*ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) mendefinisikan "Still Air" sebagai angin yang bergerak di bawah 0.15m/s sehingga mengurangi sensasi dingin. **Diuji pada model AR12TXCAAWKNEU. Mode WindFree™ Cooling mengeluarkan hanya 23dB suara, dibanding dengan 26dB untuk model konvensional Samsung. ***Diuji pada model AR07T9170HA3, berdasarkan konsumsi tenaga pada mode Fast Cooling VS mode WindFree™ Cooling.

Hemat Energi hingga 77% untuk hemat biaya

WindFree™ Cooling (Energy Saving)

Hemat biaya setiap saat dengan WindFree™ Cooling. Saat beroperasi menggunakan mode WindFree™ Cooling, unit luar akan mengonsumsi energi minimal - 77% lebih hemat energi dibanding mode Fast Cooling. Anda dapat tetap dapat merasakan kenyamanan tanpa takut mengeluarkan banyak biaya.

*Diuji pada model AR07T9170HA3, berdasarkan konsumsi energi pada mode Fast Cooling VS mode WindFree™ Cooling.

Hemat Energi hingga 77% untuk hemat biaya Hemat Energi hingga 77% untuk hemat biaya

*Diuji pada model AR07T9170HA3, berdasarkan konsumsi energi pada mode Fast Cooling VS mode WindFree™ Cooling.

Nikmati kenyamanan di ruangan dengan teknologi canggih

AI Auto Cooling

Pengalaman menikmati gaya hidup lebih pintar dengan AI Auto Cooling*. Secara otomatis dapat mengoptimalkan berbagai mode pendinginan dengan menganalisa kondisi ruangan dan pola pemakaian.** Berdasarkan temperatur pilihan, dengan cepat mengubah pengaturan ke mode favorit untuk menjaga penyebaran dingin yang maksimal.

Nikmati kenyamanan di ruangan dengan teknologi canggih Nikmati kenyamanan di ruangan dengan teknologi canggih

*Koneksi Wi-Fi dan akun Samsung diwajibkan. **Menyimpan data pengguna, preferensi dan pola pemakaian untuk merekomendasikan pilihan pengaturan terbaik.

Mengurangi suara dan energi hingga 73%

Digital Inverter Boost

Simpan biaya lebih hemat dengan teknologi efisien dari Digital Inverter Boost. Menjaga temperatur pilihan dengan perubahan minimal. Terdapat juga magnet neodimiun dan pembuangan Twin Tub, sehingga semua dapat berjalan dengan efisien, tanpa suara dan tahan lama - selain juga menghemat energi hingga 73%.

Mengurangi suara dan energi hingga 73% Mengurangi suara dan energi hingga 73%

*Diuji pada model AR09TXCAAWKNEU dibanding dengan model konvensional Samsung AQ09TSLXEA

Tidur lebih nyaman semalaman

WindFree™ Good Sleep

Mode Good Sleep menciptakan suhu ideal untuk tidur malam. Dengan temperatur dingin, menjaga Anda tetap nyaman sehingga bisa tertidur lebih cepat, lebih nyenyak, dan bangun lebih segar.

Tidur Lebih Nyaman Semalaman Tidur Lebih Nyaman Semalaman

Dirancang untuk pendinginan lebih cepat & luas

Fast Cooling

Mendinginkan ruangan dengan cepat dari sudut ke sudut, sehingga Anda selalu merasa nyaman. Teknologi Digital Inverter Boost mendinginkan udara 43% lebih cepat*. Desain yang canggih memiliki kipas 15% lebih besar, saluran masuk 18% lebih lebar, dan bilah 31% lebih lebar. Sehingga udara sejuk menyebar semakin jauh** mencapai hingga 15 meter.

Dirancang Untuk Pendinginan Lebih Cepat & Luas Dirancang Untuk Pendinginan Lebih Cepat & Luas

*Diuji pada model AR12TXCAAWKEU dibandingkan dengan AC Samsung konvensional AQ12EASER. ** Diuji pada model AR24TXFCAWKNEU.

Pengendalian jarak jauh kapan saja, di mana saja


Kendalikan temperatur di rumah kapan saja dan dari mana saja. Menggunakan aplikasi SmartThings kamu dapat mengendalikan jarak jauh dan mengawasi penggunaak AC hanya dengan sentuhan. Atau dengan mudah memberi tahu sistem Artificial Intelligence (AI)* apa yang kamu inginkan** dan sistem akan menyesuaikan. AI juga dapat memberi rekomendasi pengaturan terbaik.

*Tersedia di perangkat Android dan iOS. Koneksi Wi-Fi dan akun samsung diperlukan. **Kontrol suara didukung dengan bahasa Inggris (US, UK, Indian), Cina, Korea, Prancis, Jerman dan Spanyol. Bahasa portugis akan diadakan di akhir 2019.

Pengendalian jarak jauh kapan saja, di mana saja Pengendalian jarak jauh kapan saja, di mana saja

*Tersedia di perangkat Android dan iOS. Koneksi Wi-Fi dan akun samsung diperlukan. **Kontrol suara didukung dengan bahasa Inggris (US, UK, Indian), Cina, Korea, Prancis, Jerman dan Spanyol. Bahasa portugis akan diadakan di akhir 2019.

Otomatis Membersihkan

Auto Clean (3 Steps)

Kebersihan AC tetap terjaga secara otomatis! Setelah AC digunakan, fitur Auto Clean akan mengeringkan Heat Exchanger dalam 3 langkah. Kelembapan akan hilang setelah udara dihembuskan selama 10 hingga 30 menit sehingga mencegah penumpukan bakteri dan bau.

Otomatis Membersihkan Otomatis Membersihkan

Rumah lebih sunyi

Less Noise

Buat ruangan menjadi sejuk tanpa suara yang mengganggu. Kompresornya menghasilkan aliran udara yang kuat dan tetap sunyi karena dilengkapi dengan Twin Tube Muffler untuk mengurangi suara pendingin saat bekerja di kecepatan tinggi serta meminimalisir suara di kecepatan rendah.

* Berdasarkan tes laboratorium internal. Teruji mengurangi 40% suara di rentang 1kHz yang merupakan level suara paling rendah yang dapat didengar oleh manusia.

Rumah Lebih Sunyi Rumah Lebih Sunyi

* Berdasarkan tes laboratorium internal. Teruji mengurangi 40% suara di rentang 1kHz yang merupakan level suara paling rendah yang dapat didengar oleh manusia.

Filter anti bakteri yang mudah dibersihkan

Easy Filter Plus

Menjaga agar AC bekerja secara efisien. Easy Filter Plus terletak di luar, di atas, sehingga dapat dengan mudah dikeluarkan dan dibersihkan. Jaringnya yang padat menjaga Heat Exchanger tetap bersih dan lapisan anti-bakteri membantu melindungi Anda dari kontaminan udara yang berbahaya*.

* Diuji di lab uji Korea. Data telah diukur di bawah kondisi pengujian tertentu dan dapat bervariasi tergantung pada faktor lingkungan dan penggunaan individu.

Filter Anti Bakteri yang Mudah Dibersihkan Filter Anti Bakteri yang Mudah Dibersihkan

* Diuji di lab uji Korea. Data telah diukur di bawah kondisi pengujian tertentu dan dapat bervariasi tergantung pada faktor lingkungan dan penggunaan individu.

Performa maksimal heat exchanger


Teknologi DuraFin meningkatkan kinerja dan efisiensi Heat Exchanger yang terbuat dari bahan yang jauh lebih padat dan lebih tebal dalam desain. Lapisannya yang ditingkatkan juga memiliki lebih banyak ketahanan terhadap korosi. Sehingga lulus Uji Percepatan Air Laut Asam Asetat (SWAAT) untuk korosi lebih dari 100 hari*.

*Berdasarkan komparasi model AR13TYHYBWKNST dengan AC Samsung Konvensional model AR18JRFNFWK.

Performa Maksimal Heat Exchanger Performa Maksimal Heat Exchanger

*Berdasarkan komparasi model AR13TYHYBWKNST dengan AC Samsung Konvensional model AR18JRFNFWK.

Mencegah korosi

Triple Protector Plus

Nikmati performa tahan lama dalam kondisi apapun. Teknologi Triple Protector Plus mencegah kerusakan akibat lonjakan daya dan listrik yang fluktuatif, tanpa stabilizer tegangan terpisah*. Lapisan anti-karatnya juga melindungi kondensor dan kabinet dari segala kondisi.

*Diuji pada model AR12TXEAAWKNEU dibandingkan dengan model konvensional Samsung AS18FCMID.

Mencegah Korosi Mencegah Korosi

*Diuji pada model AR12TXEAAWKNEU dibandingkan dengan model konvensional Samsung AS18FCMID.

Pendingin ramah lingkungan

R32 Refrigerant

Melindungi lingkungan dengan mengurangi efek yang berpengaruh pada kerusakan alam. Pendingin udara terbaru menggunakan mesin pendingin R32, yang membantu menjaga kelangsungan lapisan ozon dan meminimalisir efek pemanasan global dibanding mesin pendingin model R22 dan R410A. Tentunya lebih rama lingkungan.

*Diuji pada mesin pendingin R32 dibanding dengan model konvensional mesin pendingin Samsung R410A dan R22

Pendingin Ramah Lingkungan Pendingin Ramah Lingkungan

*Diuji pada mesin pendingin R32 dibanding dengan model konvensional mesin pendingin Samsung R410A dan R22

Hemat energi & biaya, mendinginkan dengan efektif

ECO Mode

Hemat energi walau tetap mendinginkan secara maksimal. Mode ECO menggunakan kapasitas kompresor lebih hemat dibanding mode Normal, yang mengurangi konsumsi energi. Selain itu, mode ini juga menyebar dingin lebih efisien ketika udara luar tidak terlalu panas - sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan biaya listrik.

*Diuji pada model AR07T9170HA3 dibanding dengan model kovensional Samsung, mengukur konsumsi akumulasi tenaga mode Fast Cooling VS mode ECO

Hemat Energi & Biaya, Mendinginkan dengan Efektif Hemat Energi & Biaya, Mendinginkan dengan Efektif

*Diuji pada model AR07T9170HA3 dibanding dengan model kovensional Samsung, mengukur konsumsi akumulasi tenaga mode Fast Cooling VS mode ECO

Aliran udara yang kuat dengan 4way auto swing

4way Swing

Kontrol arah angin sesuai keinginan anda dengan menggunakan remote kontrol.

Aliran Udara yang Kuat dengan 4way Auto Swing Aliran Udara yang Kuat dengan 4way Auto Swing
Galaxy Watch7 (Bluetooth, 40mm)
A Galaxy Watch7 with a watch face showing heart rate, steps and other workout metrics is slightly tilted facing top left. A text 'Galaxy AI is here' with a Galaxy AI icon can be seen. A Galaxy Watch7 with a watch face showing heart rate, steps and other workout metrics is slightly tilted facing top left. A text 'Galaxy AI is here' with a Galaxy AI icon can be seen.
*Availability of colors, sizes, models and watch bands may vary by country or carrier.
What's your Energy score What's your Energy score
A text 'Galaxy AI is here' with a Galaxy AI icon can be seen. A text 'Galaxy AI is here' with a Galaxy AI icon can be seen.

Welcome to the new era of AI-powered health

Power through your day with the new 3nm processor. Find your way with Dual-Frequency GPS. Track heart rate, workouts and sleep with the advanced BioActive Sensor. Then, Galaxy AI will provide insights with Energy Score to help monitor your wellness.

Meet Galaxy Watch7, your AI-powered daily companion.



Three dotted app icons each for sleep tracking, Samsung Health and heart rate tracking are lined up. They collapse into one with sleep tracking icon on top. It turns to Samsung Health app icon and turns into a graph filling up the Energy score with a score of '92' showcasing the comprehensive wellness score. Three dotted app icons each for sleep tracking, Samsung Health and heart rate tracking are lined up. They collapse into one with sleep tracking icon on top. It turns to Samsung Health app icon and turns into a graph filling up the Energy score with a score of '92' showcasing the comprehensive wellness score.

Galaxy AI-powered health insights



*Samsung account login may be required for certain Samsung AI features.

Stand out with a floating design

Elevate your style with the Galaxy Watch7. A floating glass design and colorful stitching points add a touch of elegance to your wrist, while ripples on the band show you're ready for workouts. The Watch is available in Small and Large with three color options: Green, Silver and Cream.

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A Galaxy Watch7 facing upward is seen in close-up highlighting its floating design. Three other Galaxy Watch7 devices are facing forward in slightly different angles to show the overall design. A Galaxy Watch7 facing upward is seen in close-up highlighting its floating design. Three other Galaxy Watch7 devices are facing forward in slightly different angles to show the overall design.
*Availability of colors, sizes, models and watch bands may vary by country or carrier.

Power-packed performance

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*Image simulated for illustrative purposes. Actual UX/UI may be different.

Our most powerful smartwatch processor

The new 3nm processor supercharges your daily routine. Quickly switch from checking the weather to tracking your workouts in no time. Plus, it optimizes battery life for long-lasting power, ensuring the Galaxy Watch7 keeps up with you.

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A close-up view of a 3nm processor embedded inside a Galaxy Watch7. A close-up view of a 3nm processor embedded inside a Galaxy Watch7.
*The typical capacity has been tested under third party laboratory conditions. The typical capacity is the estimated average capacity considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under the IEC 61960 standard. **Battery life is based on results from internal lab tests for typical usage pattern scenarios conducted by Samsung. Actual battery life may vary depending on different usage patterns, device model, or the battery manufacturer. When on Power saving mode, some of the features, such as Wi-Fi connection and wake up gesture and others, may become inaccessible, also there may be restrictions on CPU speed, background network, and location.

Upgraded BioActive Sensor. Next-level precision

Stay ahead on your wellness journey with our most advanced health sensor on Galaxy Watch. With 13 LEDs, the new BioActive Sensor tracks your heart rate, sleep patterns and more with high precision.

A Galaxy Watch7 seen from the back showing its Electrical Bio-signal Sensor and Optical Bio-signal Sensor with green LED light emitting from the center. A Galaxy Watch7 seen from the back showing its Electrical Bio-signal Sensor and Optical Bio-signal Sensor with green LED light emitting from the center.
A Galaxy Watch7 seen from the back showing its Electrical Bio-signal Sensor and Optical Bio-signal Sensor with green LED light emitting from the center. A Galaxy Watch7 seen from the back showing its Electrical Bio-signal Sensor and Optical Bio-signal Sensor with green LED light emitting from the center.
*Compared to previous Galaxy Watch series.

Dual-Frequency GPS. Your guide through the concrete jungle

Find your way with ease with our most accurate GPS ever on Galaxy Watch. Dual-Frequency GPS uses two satellite signal bands(L1+L5), ensuring precise and consistent tracking, even through dense city blocks.

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A woman in a workout outfit wearing a Galaxy Watch7 is seen walking on a city block surrounded by buildings. A woman in a workout outfit wearing a Galaxy Watch7 is seen walking on a city block surrounded by buildings.
*Compared to previous Galaxy Watch series. **GPS accuracy may vary depending on network environment and other factors.

Now powered by Galaxy AI

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Kickstart your day with Energy Score

Understand your body better and start your day smarter with Energy Score. Check your sleep, heart rate and daily activities with Energy Score and plan your routine each day. Didn't rest so well? Maybe skip the gym and relax at home to get back on track.

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A Galaxy Watch7 displaying an Energy Score icon while the paired Samsung Galaxy smartphone displays an Energy Score of '87' and a breakdown of the score below. Other health metrics contributing to the Energy Score are shown separately. A Galaxy Watch7 displaying an Energy Score icon while the paired Samsung Galaxy smartphone displays an Energy Score of '87' and a breakdown of the score below. Other health metrics contributing to the Energy Score are shown separately.
*Energy Score is available on Android phones (Android 11 or above) and requires Samsung Health app (v6.27 or above). Samsung account log-in required. Service availability may vary by country or region. To check the Energy Score, the health data tracked from Samsung Galaxy Watch or Samsung Galaxy Ring must be synchronized with the Samsung Health App. Needs at least the previous day’s activity data and sleep, and heart rate data during sleep. Not intended for use in detection, diagnosis, treatment of any medical condition. The result is for your personal reference only. Please consult a medical professional for advice.


A man in cycling gear is riding a road race bike along a bike path. A man in cycling gear is riding a road race bike along a bike path.

Cycle stronger with Personalized FTP


Find your maximum pedal power and reach your peak performance. With a power meter paired with your Samsung Galaxy smartphone, Galaxy AI quickly estimates the Functional Threshold Power based on your heart rate within 10 minutes of a ride.

*To measure personalized FTP(Functional Threshold Power), Samsung Galaxy smartphone must be connected to a power meter. In order to calculate a more accurate FTP, it is necessary to connect the Galaxy Watch to a smartphone. The FTP is calculated automatically when cycling occurs at a mid to high intensity level for more than 4 minutes with the cycling power meter attached to your bicycle. Using machine learning, the more you ride repeatedly, the more accurate and personalized FTP values will be calculated. The cycling power meter is sold separately.

Start your next fitness journey

A hand tying a shoe is wearing a Galaxy Watch7 displaying the workout tracking countdown screen. In another scene, a woman wearing a Galaxy Watch7 is riding a skateboard. A hand tying a shoe is wearing a Galaxy Watch7 displaying the workout tracking countdown screen. In another scene, a woman wearing a Galaxy Watch7 is riding a skateboard.
A hand tying a shoe is wearing a Galaxy Watch7 displaying the workout tracking countdown screen. In another scene, a woman wearing a Galaxy Watch7 is riding a skateboard. A hand tying a shoe is wearing a Galaxy Watch7 displaying the workout tracking countdown screen. In another scene, a woman wearing a Galaxy Watch7 is riding a skateboard.

Elevate daily exercise with advanced fitness tracking

Take your fitness game to the next level with Galaxy Watch7. Craft your perfect Workout Routine with warm-ups, cooldowns and breaks in between, or compete against your past records to stay motivated. Easily track your exercise even in the water with Water Lock mode.

 Three Galaxy Watch7 devices with different bands are lined up each displaying different features: Race with a text '01:45 ahead', exercise list and Personalized HR Zone with a Water Lock mode button.  Three Galaxy Watch7 devices with different bands are lined up each displaying different features: Race with a text '01:45 ahead', exercise list and Personalized HR Zone with a Water Lock mode button.
Three Galaxy Watch7 devices with different bands are lined up each displaying different features: Race with a text '01:45 ahead', exercise list and Personalized HR Zone with a Water Lock mode button. Three Galaxy Watch7 devices with different bands are lined up each displaying different features: Race with a text '01:45 ahead', exercise list and Personalized HR Zone with a Water Lock mode button.
*Race is available for outdoor running and outdoor cycling only. For comparative measurements, it is required to run on the same path as the pre-generated path. User can compare by selecting one of the records up to 14 days ago. **Comparing records through the Race is only available when starting at the same location as the previous record's start point. It will be converted to the running mode automatically if it deviates from its previous path by more than 10%. ***Compatible smartphones and available features may vary by country/region, carrier or device. ****Auto detect workouts must be turned on in Settings. Auto detect is not available for all workouts. *****Additional Watch bands are sold separately.

Grab that badge, stay motivated

From hitting a personal record to trying a new exercise, earn badges that motivate you to stay committed and keep moving forward on your fitness journey.

*Image simulated for illustrative purposes. Actual UX/UI may be different.

Get Sleep Coaching for restful nights

A better bedtime routine starts with sleep tracking. From a daily sleep score, to sleep heart rate, to personalized Sleep Coaching and more, understand your nightly patterns accurately and get tips that help you enhance your sleep.

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*Requires Samsung Health application version 6.24 or later. **Galaxy Watch7 must be paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone with Android 11. ***Sleep tracking features are intended for general wellness and fitness purposes only. Not intended for use in detection, diagnosis, treatment of any medical condition or sleep disorder. The measurements are for your personal reference only. Please consult a medical professional for advice. ****Sleep Coaching requires sleep data of at least 7 days, including 2 days off.

Wellness Tips for your wellness journey

Get personalized insights with Wellness Tips based on your accumulated Samsung Health data. Choose your health goals, track your health patterns and receive useful tips tailored to your wellness goals.

*Wellness Tips available on Android phones (Android 11 or above) and requires Samsung Health app (v6.27 or above). Samsung account log-in is required. Service availability may vary by country or region. **Not intended for use in detection, diagnosis, treatment of any medical condition. The result is for your personal reference only. Please consult a medical professional for advice.

Breathe easy with sleep apnea risk detection

Sleep soundly — and safely. As the world’s first smartwatch with FDA-authorized sleep apnea risk detection, Galaxy Watch7 keeps an eye on your sleep quality and helps detect potential signs of sleep problems for your restful nights.

A Galaxy Watch7 is seen with a text 'Sleep apnea' and its icon. A Galaxy Watch7 is seen with a text 'Sleep apnea' and its icon.
*Sleep apnea feature requires Galaxy Watch7 to be paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone with Android 11 or later and latest version of Samsung Health Monitor app. **Sleep apnea feature is currently available in some selected countries only. Sleep apnea feature requires at least 2 days of sleep data within a span of 10 days (the two days do not necessarily have to be consecutive, but must be recorded within those 10 days). ***Not intended for use in detection, diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Sleep apnea detection result is for your personal reference only. Please consult a medical professional for advice.

Keep your heart health in check

Maintain your peace of mind with a heart monitoring package. The built-in PPG sensor on your Galaxy Watch7 monitors your heart rate and heart rhythm. If it detects irregularities in your heart rate or rhythms, it notifies you along with a prompt to take an ECG to examine your heart rhythm in more detail.

white background white background
A text '28 sec' and a text '65bpm' with a heart rate line graph. Three Galaxy Watch7 devices are arranged facing forward, each showcasing different heart monitoring features: Heart Rate Alert, Irregular Heart Rhythm Notification and ECG. A text '28 sec' and a text '65bpm' with a heart rate line graph. Three Galaxy Watch7 devices are arranged facing forward, each showcasing different heart monitoring features: Heart Rate Alert, Irregular Heart Rhythm Notification and ECG.
*Availability of Irregular Heart Rhythm Notification (IHRN) feature may vary by country/region. Due to country restrictions in obtaining approval/registration as a Software as a medical device (SaMD), it only works on watches and smartphones purchased in the countries where service is available (however, service may be restricted when users travel to non-service countries). Not intended to provide a notification on every episode of irregular rhythm suggestive of AFib and the absence of a notification is not intended to indicate no disease process is present. It is not for users with other known arrhythmias or users under 22 years old. Users should not interpret or take clinical action based on the predictions made without consultation of a qualified healthcare professional. **Irregular Heart Rhythm Notification feature is available in the following countries** (as of the end of July 2024). US, Korea, UAE, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Panama, Guatemala, Dominica Republic, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Argentina - available on Galaxy Watch4 and later released models (excl. Galaxy Fit). Service unavailable in other/overseas territories or regions unless specified under the country list. ***IHRN feature may be available in the future in other countries/regions subject to the regulatory process in each country/region. ****Availability of ECG app may vary by country/region. Due to country restrictions in obtaining approval/registration as a Software as a medical device (SaMD), ECG app only works on watches and smartphones purchased in the countries where service is available (however, service may be restricted when users travel to non-service countries). Check out https://117.p.syniva.es/apps/samsung-health-monitor for more information and latest update on service countries. It is not for users under 22 years old. Users should not interpret or take clinical action based on the device output without consulting qualified healthcare professional.

Eat healthy. See the difference with AGEs index

A healthy diet is key, but how do you know if it's working? AGEs index is an indicator of your metabolic health, affected by your diet and lifestyle. Galaxy Watch7 measures your AGEs index during your sleep, letting you check the results right on your wrist. Keep an eye on your diet, improve your lifestyle and live a young, healthy life.

Galaxy Watch7 displaying AGEs index screen with an AGEs index bar graph shown. Above the watch is another bar graph showing the AGEs index on a scale from low to high. Galaxy Watch7 displaying AGEs index screen with an AGEs index bar graph shown. Above the watch is another bar graph showing the AGEs index on a scale from low to high.
*Advanced Glycation End-products(AGEs) requires Samsung Account login and Samsung Health app 6.27 or later. Available on devices with Android OS 10 (Q OS) or later. AGEs is supported in Samsung Galaxy Watch7 and later released Samsung Galaxy Watch models only. **Not intended for use in detection, diagnosis, treatment of any medical condition. AGEs index is for your personal reference only. Please consult a medical professional for advice. ***The Galaxy Watch7 uses the optical bio-signal sensor that operates within the limits set by IEC 62471 safety regulations.

Harmonizing your health journey

Access and manage comprehensive information about your health and overall well-being through the Samsung Health app on your Samsung Galaxy devices. Integrate detailed insights to strive toward your wellness goals.

Galaxy Ring, Galaxy Z Flip6, Galaxy Buds3, Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Watch7 are seen with a text 'Samsung Health' and its logo. Dotted app icon of sleep and heart are hovering over next to the devices. Galaxy Ring, Galaxy Z Flip6, Galaxy Buds3, Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Watch7 are seen with a text 'Samsung Health' and its logo. Dotted app icon of sleep and heart are hovering over next to the devices.
*Requires Samsung Health application version 6.24 or later. **Galaxy Watch7 must be paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone with Android 11.

Fall detection. Watches out for you

If you happen to stumble, let Galaxy Watch7 help you with Fall Detection. Whether you took a fall while exercising or sleeping, the watch can help detect it and ask if you need help. In case of other emergencies, press the home button five times to send SOS to emergency services.

A Galaxy Watch7 displaying Fall detection screen with a text 'Fall detected' and a cancel button and a SOS call button. A text 'Calling... Emergency' is shown next to it, indicating that an emergency call is in progress. A Galaxy Watch7 displaying Fall detection screen with a text 'Fall detected' and a cancel button and a SOS call button. A text 'Calling... Emergency' is shown next to it, indicating that an emergency call is in progress.
*Galaxy Watch7 must have the latest Wear OS version installed. **Detect falls feature must be enabled on the Samsung Galaxy Wearable app on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone to use Fall Detection on the watch. ***Emergency call requires network connection or pairing with Samsung Galaxy smartphone. ****Information gathered from the watch, Samsung Health app or related software is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent disease or other conditions.

Choose the right band for any occasion

Strap on a band that is specially designed for your activity — from swimming, sleeping, running and more — and then make it yours by choosing from our different color options. Or simply swap bands with just a click. Customize the band and watch face to match your style.

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*Additional Watch bands are sold separately.


An illustrated hand with a Galaxy Watch7 is making a Double Pinch motion. Next to it is the paired Galaxy Z Flip6 with its Cover screen featuring a camera screen capturing a woman riding a skateboard. An illustrated hand with a Galaxy Watch7 is making a Double Pinch motion. Next to it is the paired Galaxy Z Flip6 with its Cover screen featuring a camera screen capturing a woman riding a skateboard.

Double Pinch comes in handy


If your hands are full and a call comes in, just double pinch to answer. A simple gesture is all it takes to take a photo, answer a call or turn off an alarm.

*Double Pinch is off by default. To use the feature, it must be enabled on the Watch or the Samsung Galaxy Wearable app.
**Galaxy Watch7 must be paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone running One UI 6.1.1 or above.
***Galaxy Z Flip6 sold separately.

It's time to find your Watch

1. Screen Size : Galaxy Watch7: 37.3mm or 33.3mm, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 37.3mm, Galaxy Watch6: 37.3mm or 33.3mm, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 37.3mm or 33.3mm 2. Processor : Galaxy Watch7: 3nm Processor, 5 Core, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 3nm Processor, 5 Core, Galaxy Watch6: 5nm Processor, 2 Core, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 5nm Processor, 2 Core 3. GPS :  Galaxy Watch7: L1 + L5 Dual- Frequency GPS, Galaxy Watch Ultra: L1 + L5 Dual- Frequency GPS, Galaxy Watch6: L1 GPS, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: L1 GPS 4. BioActive Sensor :  Galaxy Watch7: AGEs index, HR, BP, ECG, BIA, Galaxy Watch Ultra: AGEs index, HR, BP, ECG, BIA, Galaxy Watch6: HR, BP, ECG, BIA, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: HR, BP, ECG, BIA 5. Durability: Galaxy Watch7: 5 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 10 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H, Galaxy Watch6: 5 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 5 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H 6. Battery : Galaxy Watch7: 425mAh or 300mAh, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 590mAh, Galaxy Watch6: 425mAh or 300mAh, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 425mAh or 300mAh 1. Screen Size : Galaxy Watch7: 37.3mm or 33.3mm, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 37.3mm, Galaxy Watch6: 37.3mm or 33.3mm, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 37.3mm or 33.3mm 2. Processor : Galaxy Watch7: 3nm Processor, 5 Core, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 3nm Processor, 5 Core, Galaxy Watch6: 5nm Processor, 2 Core, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 5nm Processor, 2 Core 3. GPS :  Galaxy Watch7: L1 + L5 Dual- Frequency GPS, Galaxy Watch Ultra: L1 + L5 Dual- Frequency GPS, Galaxy Watch6: L1 GPS, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: L1 GPS 4. BioActive Sensor :  Galaxy Watch7: AGEs index, HR, BP, ECG, BIA, Galaxy Watch Ultra: AGEs index, HR, BP, ECG, BIA, Galaxy Watch6: HR, BP, ECG, BIA, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: HR, BP, ECG, BIA 5. Durability: Galaxy Watch7: 5 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 10 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H, Galaxy Watch6: 5 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 5 ATM+IP68/MIL-STD-810H 6. Battery : Galaxy Watch7: 425mAh or 300mAh, Galaxy Watch Ultra: 590mAh, Galaxy Watch6: 425mAh or 300mAh, Galaxy Watch6 Classic: 425mAh or 300mAh




Galaxy S25 | S25+

Galaxy S25 | S25+ Galaxy S25 | S25+

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Dapatkan cicilan 0% menggunakan kartu kredit bank hingga 24 bulan*


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  • Capacity (Cooling, Btu/hr)

    12000 Btu/hr

  • Capacity (Cooling, kW)

    3.52 kW

  • EER (Cooling, W/W)

    2.81 W/W

  • Net Dimension (Outdoor, WxHxD, ㎜*㎜*㎜)

    660*475*242 mm

  • Capacity (Cooling, Btu/hr)

    12000 Btu/hr

  • Capacity (Cooling, Min - Max, Btu/hr)

    4,500 ~ 14,000 Btu/hr

  • Capacity (Cooling, kW)

    3.52 kW

  • Capacity (Cooling, Min - Max, kW)

    1.32 ~ 4.1 kW

  • EER (Cooling, W/W)

    2.81 W/W

  • EER (Cooling, Btu/hW)

    9.6 Btu/hW

  • CSPF


  • Energy Efficiency Class for cooling (Grade)

    5★ (SKEM 5.14)

  • Noise Level (Indoor, High/Low, dBA)

    38 / 21 dBA

  • Noise Level (Outdoor, High/Low, dBA)

    50 dBA

  • Power Source(Φ/V/Hz)

    1 / 220-240 / 50

  • Power Consumption(Cooling, W)

    1250 W

  • Operating Current(Cooling, A)

    8.0 A

  • Gross Dimension (Indoor, WxHxD, ㎜*㎜*㎜)

    880*290*375 mm

  • Gross Dimension (Outdoor, WxHxD, ㎜*㎜*㎜)

    778*550*331 mm

  • Net Dimension (Indoor, WxHxD, ㎜*㎜*㎜)

    820*299*215 mm

  • Net Dimension (Outdoor, WxHxD, ㎜*㎜*㎜)

    660*475*242 mm

  • Gross Weight (Indoor, kg)

    10.4 kg

  • Gross Weight (Outdoor, kg)

    20.8 kg

  • Net Weight (Indoor, kg)

    9.1 kg

  • Net Weight (Outdoor, kg)

    19.0 kg

  • Loading Quantity (20/40/40Hft without Pipe)

    120 / 248 / 280

  • Piping Length (Max, m)

    15 m

  • Piping Height (Max, m)

    7 m

  • SVC Valve (Liquid (ODxL))


  • SVC Valve (Gas (ODxL))


  • Moisture Removal (l/hr)

    1.5 l/hr

  • Air Circulation (Cooling, ㎥/min)

    10.7 ㎥/min

  • Refrigerant (Type)


  • Refrigerant (Charging, kg)

    0.50 kg

  • Refrigerant (Charging, tCO2e)


  • Low Ambient (Cooling, ℃)

    16~46 ℃

  • Outdoor Unit (Compressor Type)


  • Outdoor Unit (Anti-Corrosion Fin)


  • WindFree Cooling


  • Air Direction Control (Up/Down)


  • Air Direction Control (Left/Right)


  • Air Flow Control Step (Cool/Fan)


  • PM 1.0 Filter


  • Tri Care Filter


  • Easy Filter Plus (Anti-Bacteria)


  • Auto Clean (Self Cleaning)


  • SmartThings


  • AI Auto Cooling


  • Motion Detect Sensor


  • Freeze Wash


  • Filter Cleaning Indicatior


  • Indoor Temp. Display


  • Display On/Off


  • Beep On/Off


  • 24-Hour Timer


  • Auto Changeover


  • Auto Restart


  • Auto Mode


  • Fast Cool


  • Good Sleep


  • Eco Mode


  • Dehumidification


  • Fan Mode


  • Quiet


  • WiFi Embedded


  • SmartThings App Support


  • Size (Main Display)

    1.3" (33.3mm)

  • Body Weight (g)


  • Bluetooth Version

    Bluetooth v5.3

  • Sensors

    Accelerometer, Barometer, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Sensor, Electrical Heart Sensor, Gyro Sensor, Geomagnetic Sensor, Infrared Temperature Sensor, Light Sensor, Optical Heart Rate Sensor

  • Penyimpanan (GB)


  • CPU Speed

    1.6GHz, 1.5GHz

  • NFC


  • Body Dimension (HxWxD, mm)

    40.4 x 40.4 x 9.7

  • Infra

    Hanya Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Only

  • Audio Playing Format


  • Location Technology

    GPS, Glonass, Beidou, Galileo

  • Wi-Fi

    802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz+5GHz

  • NFC


  • Bluetooth Version

    Bluetooth v5.3

  • Bluetooth Profiles


  • Wear OS Powered by Samsung

  • Technology (Main Display)

    Super AMOLED

  • Size (Main Display)

    1.3" (33.3mm)

  • Resolution (Main Display)

    432 x 432

  • Color Depth (Main Display)


  • CPU Speed

    1.6GHz, 1.5GHz

  • CPU Type


  • Memori (GB)


  • Penyimpanan (GB)


  • Penyimpanan Tersedia (GB)


  • Accelerometer, Barometer, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Sensor, Electrical Heart Sensor, Gyro Sensor, Geomagnetic Sensor, Infrared Temperature Sensor, Light Sensor, Optical Heart Rate Sensor

  • Body Dimension (HxWxD, mm)

    40.4 x 40.4 x 9.7

  • Body Weight (g)


  • Durability

    5 ATM

  • Battery Capacity (mAh, Typical)


  • Removable


  • Usage Time (Hours, AOD Off)

    Up to 40

  • Usage Time (Hours, AOD On)

    Up to 30

*Usable memory size is less than the total memory size due to storage of the operating system and software required to operate the phones' features. Actual usable memory size will also vary depending on the mobile phone operator and may change after software upgrades are performed

Panduan Pengguna & Unduhan

User Manual

Versi 1.0 | 20.11 MB



User Manual (User Manual)

Versi 1.0 | 20.14 MB



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* Berdasarkan hasil tes laboraturium internal Samsung. Masa penggunaan baterai bergantung pada penggunaan dan pengaturan

* Fitur utama dapat berbeda dari spesifikasi utama

* Memori yang tersedia untuk pengguna: Memori pengguna lebih kecil daripada memori total karena penyimpanan sistem operasi dan perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengoperasikan fitur perangkat. Memori pengguna aktual akan bervariasi tergantung pada operator dan dapat berubah setelah dilakukan peningkatan perangkat lunak

* Jaringan: Bandwidth yang didukung perangkat dapat bervariasi tergantung pada area atau penyedia layanan

* Seluruh spesifikasi dan deskripsi yang disediakan di sini mungkin berbeda dengan spesifikasi dan deskripsi aktual produk. Samsung berhak mengubah halaman web ini maupun produk yang dijelaskan di sini, kapan saja, tanpa wajib memberikan pemberitahuan atas perubahan tersebut. Seluruh fungsi, fitur, spesifikasi, GUI, dan informasi produk lain yang disediakan dalam halaman web ini termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, kelebihan, desain, harga, komponen, performa, ketersediaan, dan kapabilitas produk dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan atau kewajiban. Konten dalam layar merupakan gambar simulasi dan hanya untuk tujuan demonstrasi.