
Mengambil Inspirasi dari Kehidupan
dan Kisah Perempuan Bersama Samsung

Untuk merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional, kami mengajak perempuan-perempuan hebat dari dalam dan luar Samsung untuk berbagi soal kisah-kisah mereka yang memberdayakan.

3 different illustrations are put together as a collage. The first illustration shows a woman's face. She has long, curvy hair decorated with flowers. Her eyelashes are extensive and she has freckles on her cheeks. Her one hand is holding small figures holding one another's hand. The background is filled with rain, sun and rainbow. The second illustration portrays women posing confidently arm in arm. The background color is pink and the women are colored in red, white, dark blue and brown. The third illustration is filled with a range of different women doing things which excite them.  It's a montage that have fine details of each person's actions. Examples are a wheelchair basketball player, a footballer, a business woman and a musician - the colors are vibrant and the copy reads "Power in Passion". 3 different illustrations are put together as a collage. The first illustration shows a woman's face. She has long, curvy hair decorated with flowers. Her eyelashes are extensive and she has freckles on her cheeks. Her one hand is holding small figures holding one another's hand. The background is filled with rain, sun and rainbow. The second illustration portrays women posing confidently arm in arm. The background color is pink and the women are colored in red, white, dark blue and brown. The third illustration is filled with a range of different women doing things which excite them.  It's a montage that have fine details of each person's actions. Examples are a wheelchair basketball player, a footballer, a business woman and a musician - the colors are vibrant and the copy reads "Power in Passion".

Karyawan perempuan dari berbagai latar belakang berbincang soal apa yang menginspirasi, memotivasi, dan mendukung mereka untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik.

Testimoni mereka kemudian dituangkan dalam bentuk lukisan-lukisan dinamis yang membahas tentang pemberdayaan dan kesuksesan perempuan oleh tiga pelukis perempuan berbakat.

12 photos that present 12 different women employees are put together as a collage.    From the top left to right:   1st:  A woman is standing next to her desk with papers on the desk. She is smiling straight ahead. She has blond hair with pony tail. She is wearing a long blue dress with pattern and a white belt with gold buckle.   2nd: A woman with short dark pulled back from her face is wearing a light color shirt with red pattern and smiling.   3rd: A woman in a green suit is smiling. She has a short black hair and is wearing glasses.   4th: A woman with short dark brown hair and glasses is smiling, wearing a white turtleneck shirt.   5th: A woman with long dark hair and glasses is smiling, wearing a white T-shirt and grey cardigan.   6th: A woman is smiling. She has blonde hair and is wearing a black, red and blue top.   7th: A woman with long black hair, wearing a blue and black striped dress is smiling.   8th: A woman in a black leather jacket is smiling in the black background. She has a short blonde hair.   9th:  A woman in a black short sleeve dress is sitting and looking at the front. She has a long dark brown hair and is wearing a long gold necklace.   10th: A woman with long brown hair, wearing a black blouse is smiling.   11th: A woman with long black hair, wearing a blue blouse, a pair of white pearl earrings and a necklace is smiling.    12th: A woman with medium black hair, wearing a beige blazer and a white shirt is looking down in the green, leafy background. 12 photos that present 12 different women employees are put together as a collage.    From the top left to right:   1st:  A woman is standing next to her desk with papers on the desk. She is smiling straight ahead. She has blond hair with pony tail. She is wearing a long blue dress with pattern and a white belt with gold buckle.   2nd: A woman with short dark pulled back from her face is wearing a light color shirt with red pattern and smiling.   3rd: A woman in a green suit is smiling. She has a short black hair and is wearing glasses.   4th: A woman with short dark brown hair and glasses is smiling, wearing a white turtleneck shirt.   5th: A woman with long dark hair and glasses is smiling, wearing a white T-shirt and grey cardigan.   6th: A woman is smiling. She has blonde hair and is wearing a black, red and blue top.   7th: A woman with long black hair, wearing a blue and black striped dress is smiling.   8th: A woman in a black leather jacket is smiling in the black background. She has a short blonde hair.   9th:  A woman in a black short sleeve dress is sitting and looking at the front. She has a long dark brown hair and is wearing a long gold necklace.   10th: A woman with long brown hair, wearing a black blouse is smiling.   11th: A woman with long black hair, wearing a blue blouse, a pair of white pearl earrings and a necklace is smiling.    12th: A woman with medium black hair, wearing a beige blazer and a white shirt is looking down in the green, leafy background.

Dalam wawancara tersebut, mereka berbincang soal pengalaman, passion, serta keberhasilan mereka yang menjadi motivasi mereka setiap harinya. Meski berasal dari latar belakang yang berbeda-beda, mereka semua sepakat bahwa ide yang bagus bisa berasal dari mana pun atau dari siapa pun, terlepas dari tingkat kemampuan, jenis kelamin, atau latar belakangnya.

Mari rayakan para perempuan yang berhasil menjadi dirinya sendiri di mana pun mereka berada dan mari berkenalan dengan para seniman yang menampilkan kisah mereka dalam sebuah lukisan.

A woman in a blue patterned dress is sitting at a wooden desk. She is looking at the desk, where a number of printed images are laid on. She has blonde hair with pony tail. Behind her is corner wall with large windows reflecting the building view. A woman in a blue patterned dress is sitting at a wooden desk. She is looking at the desk, where a number of printed images are laid on. She has blonde hair with pony tail. Behind her is corner wall with large windows reflecting the building view.

"Kamu tidak perlu menjadi seorang presiden untuk memiliki suara perempuan yang kuat."

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Inspirasi Maria-Ines Gul

“I feel inspired by stories of collective resilience, mutual respect and the spirit of female solidarity.“

Kepahlawanan Maria adalah tipikal wanita yang memegang rantai untuk sosok wanita yang lebih kecil saat mendaki gunung bersama-sama, saling membantu dalam perjalanan dan mengibarkan bendera mereka - mencerminkan suara wanita yang kuat dan potensi kepemimpinan yang tak terhentikan.

A woman in a white top with gold leaf print is sitting at a wooden desk. She is looking ahead smiling, there is a laptop and office equipment on the desk. She has a planet background behind her. A woman in a white top with gold leaf print is sitting at a wooden desk. She is looking ahead smiling, there is a laptop and office equipment on the desk. She has a planet background behind her.

"Aku senang banyak engineer perempuan yang meminta dukunganku."

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Inspirasi Bárbara Malagoli

"Menjadi bagian dari proyek ini merupakan sebuah bentuk perayaan atas rasa persatuan unik yang dimiliki seluruh perempuan di dunia. Saya harap, perempuan-perempuan di luar sana bisa merasa bahwa kita melangkah menuju masa depan bersama-sama saat melihat karya saya."

Ilustrasi Bárbara menciptakan gambar yang menyentuh lewat penggunaan motif dan pengulangan, serta komposisi menarik yang menyoroti pentingnya persatuan dengan sikap yang positif dan bahagia.

A woman in a green suit is sitting at her desk and looking at the computer screen. She has a short hair and wears glasses. Her desk is located inside a cabinet and has a large plant on. A woman in a green suit is sitting at her desk and looking at the computer screen. She has a short hair and wears glasses. Her desk is located inside a cabinet and has a large plant on.

"Saat kamu fokus pada apa yang kamu minati, kamu bisa menghadapi dan mengatasi segala macam tantangan."

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Inspirasi Ruby Taylor

"Mempelajari tentang perempuan-perempuan hebat ini benar-benar menginspirasi. Semangat dan motivasi mereka benar-benar menyentuh saya."

Ruby ingin menampilkan perempuan-perempuan yang sukses dalam bidang-bidang yang mereka minati untuk membantu memberdayakan perempuan di seluruh dunia untuk meraih cita-cita mereka.

Unduh the Artworks

  • Maria-Ines Gul's Artwork 1.2MB Unduh
  • Bárbara Malagoli’s Artwork 0.7MB Unduh
  • Ruby Taylor’s Artwork 1.2MB Unduh

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