Beli Sekarang dan dapatkan hadiah Special!

Beli Sekarang dan dapatkan hadiah Special!

Gratis Galaxy Watch7 senilai Rp 3,9juta

Periode: 21 Januari - 31 Maret 2025

Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku

Beli Sekarang dan dapatkan hadiah Special! Beli Sekarang dan dapatkan hadiah Special!

681L Bespoke Kulkas FDR -Triple Cooling Clean White


Pilih Kapasitas Anda

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  • Mulai dari Rp1.099.958/bln. Kalkulator Finansial
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    Gratis Galaxy Watch7 senilai Rp 3,9juta

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681L Bespoke Kulkas FDR -Triple Cooling Clean White
681 L

Mulai dari Rp 1.099.958/bln bunga 0% selama 24 bulan atau Rp 26.399.000

Rp 38.750.000 Hemat Rp 12.351.000


Designed for you, by you

There is a french door Bespoke refrigerator in a sunlit contemporary kitchen with green cabinetry and a kitchen island. There is a french door Bespoke refrigerator in a sunlit contemporary kitchen with green cabinetry and a kitchen island.

Hemat Energi dengan AI Energy Mode

SmartThings AI Energy Mode

Kurangi penggunaan energi dengan AI Energy Mode pada SmartThings Energy*. Mode ini akan ditawarkan kepada Anda** apabila tagihan listrik melebihi target yang telah Anda ditentukan. Mode ini akan mengoptimalkan Kecepatan kompresor dan siklus defrost sesuai pola penggunaan dan keadaan lingkungan.

There is a Bespoke fridge in a sunlit kitchen. The toggle for 'Activate SmartThings AI Energy Mode' is off. Normal mode's energy consumption graph indicates high energy consumption. There is a Bespoke fridge in a sunlit kitchen. The toggle for 'Activate SmartThings AI Energy Mode' is off. Normal mode's energy consumption graph indicates high energy consumption.
There is a Bespoke fridge in a sunlit kitchen with an AI processor. The toggle for 'Activate SmartThings AI Energy Mode' is on. AI Energy Mode's energy consumption graph indicates up to 10% energy savings. There is a Bespoke fridge in a sunlit kitchen with an AI processor. The toggle for 'Activate SmartThings AI Energy Mode' is on. AI Energy Mode's energy consumption graph indicates up to 10% energy savings.
*Hasil uji berdasarkan perbandingan temperatur pengaturan pabrik saat menggunakan AI Energy Mode dan tanpa menggunakan AI Energy Mode. Hasil dapat berbeda tergantung kondisi dan pola penggunaan, SmartThings App tersedia pada perangkat Android dan iOS. Memerlukan koneksi Wi-Fi dan akun Samsung. Anda harus menggunakan akun log-in yang sama pada kedua perangkat.
**SmartThings akan menampilkan notifikasi sebelum mengaktifkan algoritma yang tersimpan pada 'Mode Maximum' dan 'Mode Custom'.


There is a sequence of three door panels for Bespoke refrigerators in different colors. More are added and they slowly rotate, zooming out to reveal a wide range of colors as the panels continue to rotate side-by-side. There is a sequence of three door panels for Bespoke refrigerators in different colors. More are added and they slowly rotate, zooming out to reveal a wide range of colors as the panels continue to rotate side-by-side.

Desain Unik dan Stylish


Ciptakan dapur yang stylish dan unik dengan warna Bespoke favoritmu. Material Glass Door dan warna putih dari kulkas Bespoke akan menyatu dengan indah di interior dapur Anda.


There is a closeup of a folded slide-in shelf inside the refrigerator. There are two tall glass bottles. There is a closeup of a folded slide-in shelf inside the refrigerator. There are two tall glass bottles.

Simpan dengan Fleksibel

Slide-in Shelf

Manfaatkan ruang di kulkas dengan efisien untuk menyimpan makanan berukuran besar. Slide-in Shelf berukuran setengah dari lebar kulkas dan dapat adjust untuk menciptakan lebih banyak ruang* antar rak sehingga Anda dapat menyimpan botol tinggi, kontainer besar, atau makanan berkemasan besar lainnya.

*Botol atau kontainer dengan tinggi hingga 440 mm (173,2 inci) dan lebar hingga 360 mm (141,7 inci) dapat masuk pada Slide-in Shelf.


There is a closeup of the FlexZone™ with five modes: Beverages, Fruits & Veggies, Meat & Fish, Soft Freeze, and Freeze. As the mode switches, the shelves get filled with beverages, then with vegetables and sauces, then with meat, demonstrating different ways to organize food. There is a closeup of the FlexZone™ with five modes: Beverages, Fruits & Veggies, Meat & Fish, Soft Freeze, and Freeze. As the mode switches, the shelves get filled with beverages, then with vegetables and sauces, then with meat, demonstrating different ways to organize food.

Atur Mode Pendinginan Sesuai Kebutuhan


Simpan makanan dan minuman Anda dengan suhu optimal agar tetap segar dan lezat. FlexZone™ memungkinkan suhu dari kompartmen ini diatur secara terpisah dengan 5 mode temperatur pre-set: Freeze (-23~-15°C), Soft Freeze (-5°C), Meat & Fish (-1°C), Fruits & Veggies (2°C) dan Beverage (4°C).


A person is using the SmartThings Energy and checks the energy usage. A person is using the SmartThings Energy and checks the energy usage.

Penggunaan energi efisien, hemat, smart

SmartThings Energy

Atur penggunaan energi untuk menghemat tagihan listrik Anda. SmartThings Energy* memberikan tips efisiensi sekaligus memantau konsumsi energi** secara real-time dan membandingkannya dengan konsumsi bulan sebelumnya. Anda juga akan mendapat notifikasi jika tagihan bulanan Anda melebihi target.

*Tersedia pada perangkat Android dan iOS. Memerlukan koneksi Wi-Fi dan akun Samsung. **SmartThings Energy saat ini dapat digunakan pada sektiar 40 perlengkapan rumah Samsung yang memiliki SmartThings. Termasuk kulkas, mesin cuci, pengering, mesin pencuci piring, AC, air purifier, vacuum cleaner, oven, hood, cooktop, microwave oven, TV (sejak 2022) dan energi meter.


There is a side view of a Digital Inverter Compressor. Blue streaks demonstrate the compressor's improved efficiency. Next to it are icons for Energy Efficiency and Little Noise, and a 20-year warranty on the compressor for Digital Inverter™ Technology. There is a side view of a Digital Inverter Compressor. Blue streaks demonstrate the compressor's improved efficiency. Next to it are icons for Energy Efficiency and Little Noise, and a 20-year warranty on the compressor for Digital Inverter™ Technology.

Pendinginan konsisten dan efisien

Kompresor dengan efisiensi tinggi

Jaga makanan dengan suhu dingin yang konsisten dan hemat energi. Kompresor kami bekerja dengan inersia 4.1x lebih tinggi dibandingkan kompresor sebelumnya*, sehingga menggunakan energi lebih sedikit terutama saat menjaga suhu didalam kulkas tetap stabil dengan garansi kompresor hingga 20 tahun**

*Berdasarkan pengujian internal dibandingkan dengan kompresor S3 Samsung. **Garansi 20 tahun khusus kompresor (tersedia di Amerika Utara).

How to measure

Size measurements: Height 73 inches, width 35 7/8 inches, height with hinge 71 7/8 inches, height without hinge 70 3/4 inches, depth 34 1/4 inches. Detailed sizes for installation are explained in the following TOP view. Depth with doors open at 90º 48 1/2 inches, depth without doors 29 3/8 inches, install depth 36 1/4 inches, install depth without doors 31 3/8 inches, width with doors open 59 inches, distance from the rear wall 2 inches. Size measurements: Height 73 inches, width 35 7/8 inches, height with hinge 71 7/8 inches, height without hinge 70 3/4 inches, depth 34 1/4 inches. Detailed sizes for installation are explained in the following TOP view. Depth with doors open at 90º 48 1/2 inches, depth without doors 29 3/8 inches, install depth 36 1/4 inches, install depth without doors 31 3/8 inches, width with doors open 59 inches, distance from the rear wall 2 inches.

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0% Installment

Dapatkan cicilan 0% menggunakan kartu kredit bank hingga 24 bulan*


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  • Net Total(Liter)

    602 ℓ

  • Cooling Type

    Triple Cooling

  • Net Weight(kg)

    130 kg

  • Net Width(mm)

    912 mm

  • Net Depth with Door Handle(mm)

    731 mm

  • Net Case Height with Hinge(mm)

    1853 mm

  • Shelf

    2 EA

  • Box

    1 EA

  • Door Pocket

    3 EA

  • Icemaker

    Tray Ice Maker

  • LED Interior Light


  • Box

    1 EA

  • FlexZone™


  • Shelf

    2 EA

  • Door Pocket

    3 EA

  • Net Total(Liter)

    602 ℓ

  • Gross Total(Liter)

    681 ℓ

  • Cooling Type

    Triple Cooling

  • Color


  • Display Type

    Internal (Simple UX LCD)

  • Door Handle


  • Door Type


  • Door Alarm


  • Net Case Height with Hinge(mm)

    1853 mm

  • Net Case Height without Hinge(mm)

    1797 mm

  • Net Depth with Door Handle(mm)

    731 mm

  • Net Depth without Door Handle(mm)

    731 mm

  • Net Depth without Door(mm)

    610 mm

  • Net Weight(kg)

    130 kg

  • Net Width(mm)

    912 mm

  • Packing Dimension (WxHxD)(mm)

    972 x1995x776 mm

  • Packing Weight(kg)

    139 kg

  • Interior LED Light

    Wide Top LED

  • Number of Door Pocket

    6 EA

  • Number of Shelf (Total)

    4 EA

  • Number of Vegetable&Fruit Drawer

    2 EA

  • Gallon Door Storage

    1 EA

  • Depth

    Counter Depth

  • SmartThings App Support
