Pembatasan penggunaan fitur ECG

Tanggal Update Terakhir : 2022-07-12

The Samsung Health Monitor app is designed to help you monitor your health in every way possible. However, there are certain cases in which its use is restricted.

View of a Samsung Watch with the ECG screen next to a restricted symbol.

Please follow the warnings and precautions listed below:

  • DO NOT use the ECG Monitor App if you have an implanted pacemaker, implanted cardiac defibrillator, or other implanted electronic devices.
  • The ECG app is not intended for users with known arrhythmias others than atrial fibrillation or users under 22 years old.
  • DO NOT take ECG measurements during any physical activity.
  • DO NOT take ECG measurements during a medical procedure (for example, surgery or external defibrillation procedures).
  • DO NOT take ECG measurements when the Galaxy watch is close to strong electromagnetic fields (for example, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-Ray equipment, electromagnetic anti-theft systems, and metal detectors).
  • Make sure that the fingers used to record the ECG is uncovered and free of any bruises, scars, or cuts.
  • Certain physiological conditions can prevent some people from having a strong enough signal for the ECG App to detect and analyse.

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