Advantages of regular air-conditioner service

Last Update date : Jun 30. 2022

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Many people do wait until their air conditioner is making a strange noise or isn’t running properly before they call for service. But did you know that even if your air conditioner seems to be running smoothly, it can lose about 5% of its operational efficiency every year?


With regular servicing a unit will maintain up to 95% of its original efficiency. This means that the cost of a regular service is quickly recovered in savings on your monthly electricity bill and in reduced repair costs. A properly serviced air conditioner will also do a better job of dehumidifying your home.

The answer generally  is in the 'Spring'. There are 2 main reasons why:


You want to make sure your system is running smoothly, at its maximum capacity and its minimum energy consumption, BEFORE you really need to use it.

You are likely to get a more timely service if you arrange it for before service technicians get busy in heavy air conditioning season.

There is an exception, though: If your system is making strange noises or doesn’t seem to be working properly you should have it looked right away.

All major equipment needs routine maintenance to keep it running reliably. Regular servicing of your air conditioner will provide you with a number of benefits, such as:


Lost efficiency will be recovered.

Chances of a costly, major breakdown at the worse time will be reduced.

Lifespan of the unit will be prolonged.

Your comfort will be increased.

Your unit will cost less to operate.  

An air conditioning service technician will look at and listen to your air conditioner closely. At minimum, the things he will do will include:


Clean the condensing unit coils

Clean the evaporator coils

Check the amp draw of the compressor and all components

Oil the fan motors (if required)

Check the belts are all tight and well adjusted

Check the system operating pressures against the manufacturer’s specifications

Check the system operating temperatures against the manufacturer’s specifications

Check the refrigerant level

Check the thermostats and sensors

Tighten all electrical terminals

Check all ductwork for air leaks and damage

Check operation of all zone motors

Check and test condensate tray, drains and P trap

Check all safety devices 

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