How to fix if Samsung refrigerator light is not working?

Last Update date : Aug 31. 2023

इस लेख को हिंदी में देखने के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें

refrigerator image

Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue.

Direct Cool Refrigerator

Ensure that the light inside the refrigerator glowing by pressing and releasing the door switch 3-4 times.

Image of door switch

Frost Free Refrigerator

Please note that some frost-free refrigerator models (>350 Liters) have a "Sleep Mode" feature. When turned on, sleep mode will cause the lights to not turn on. So to deactivate the "Sleep Mode", just long press the “freezer button” for more than 10 seconds to activate it.

Image of frost-free


1. Door switch can be found at different places in different models. Refer product user manual for more details.

2. Refrigerator more than 500 Liters capacity do not have a door switch instead inbuilt sensor is fixed.

Models that have a door alarm will beep to indicate that a door is not closed or the wire is not connected properly.

if the door is left open, it will beep for 2–5 minutes to remind you, and the display LED light will start blinking. After that, it will stop, and the display LED will have switched off. So you need to close the door and you have to restart the refrigerator.

Direct Cool Refrigerator

Check the refrigerator's cooling. If cooling occurs, you must replace the LED light or bulb.

To replace it, contact our Support Center.

Image of lamp dc ref

Side by Side Refrigerator

Image of lamp dc ref

Check the refrigerator's cooling. If cooling occurs, you must replace the LED light or bulb.

Note:- Refrigerator below 399-liter capacity do not have lamp inside freezer compartment.

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