‘Protect battery’ feature in Samsung Galaxy phones

Last Update date : Jun 28. 2024

Protect battery is a feature available in Samsung Galaxy smartphones, designed to prolong the life of your phone's battery by managing its charge levels and preventing overcharging. By default, this setting is turned off; however, when activated, it limits the battery charge to 85%. To disable this function and allow your battery to fully charge (up to 100%), follow these instructions.


  • This function is available in selected models/software versions only
  • Available screens and settings may vary by Galaxy models
  • Images simulated, for illustrative purpose only
tap on settings in samsung mobile tap on settings in samsung mobile

1. Open the Settings app on your smartphone.

Tap on Battery in samsung phones Tap on Battery in samsung phones

2. Scroll down and tap on Battery.

Look for the Protect battery option and tap it to turn it ON Look for the Protect battery option and tap it to turn it ON

3. Locate and tap on Protect battery.

pop up in samsung mobile pop up in samsung mobile

Note: - When the battery reaches 85% charge, you'll see a message "Charging paused. Protect battery limits you to 85%."

For more information, please get in touch with Samsung customer care.

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