Can I charge my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 using a Data Cable?

Last Update date : Apr 04. 2024

We do not recommend you to charge your Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 using a PC Data cable. There are great chances that the Battery icon in the bottom of your Tab 10.1 will show a cross sign.



(Charging the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1)


Please note that the battery cannot be charged via the PC Data cable connected to your PC system. To charge up the tablet, Use the adapter provided (see above representation).


Follow below points to perform the same :

● Connect the PC data cable to the USB power adapter.

● Then plug the end of the PC data cable into the Multifunction jack of the  Samsung Tab 10.1(GT-P7500). 


CLICK HERE to know about the latest firmware released for your device.


NOTE : Please be aware that the shape of the USB power adapter may differ depending on the end-user’s country of residence.

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