Does Allshare Cast feature work in Samsung Galaxy S4(GT-I9500)?

Last Update date : Oct 27. 2020

Yes, you can use the AllShare Cast feature in Samsung Galaxy S4 via Screen Mirroring. The usage of Screen Mirroring in Samsung Galaxy S4 is similar to AllShare Cast function. It lets you to share what's on your mobile with Smart TV or with any other devices without Internet Connection. 






  • You can share your Media Contents ( Photos,Videos or Audios ) of your Smart Phones to Samsung Smart TV.
  • You can share the screen of the Mobile device with other device like TV.
  • You can even view the games on other device that you are playing in mobile. 



CLICK HERE to know about Screen Mirroring in Samsung F Series SMART TV.

CLICK HERE to enable Screen Mirroring in Samsung F Series SMART TV.

CLICK HERE to enable Screen Mirroring in Samsung Galaxy S4 (GT-I9500).

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