Galaxy Fold: How to use Wireless PowerShare feature?

Last Update date : Oct 29. 2020

With just the Galaxy Fold, you can use the Wireless PowerShare feature to share battery power with another wearable or smartphone without a charger, which is perfect for emergency situations. Dual Charging also lets you charge your Galaxy Fold and another device at the same time using a wired charger.


  • It is recommended to remove any accessories and cover before using this feature.
  • Do not use earphones while sharing power. Doing so may affect nearby devices.

Please follow below steps to use PowerShare feature:

1 Drag the notification panel and tap Wireless PowerShare icon to activate it.
2 Place the device that needs to be charged on the back of your Galaxy Fold in Wireless PowerShare mode.
  • When charging starts, a notification sound or vibration will occur.
  • The location of the wireless charging coil may vary by device model. Adjust the devices to connect with each other properly.
  • Some features are not available while sharing power.
3 When you are finished with charging, disconnect the other device from your device.
  • Only devices that support the wireless charging feature can be charged using this feature. Some devices may not be charged.
  • To charge properly, do not move or use either device while charging.
  • The power charged to the other device may be less than the amount shared to it by your device.
  • If you charge the other device while charging your device, the charging speed may decrease or the device may not charge properly depending on the charger type.
  • The charging speed or efficiency may vary depending on the device’s condition or the surrounding environment.
  • If Galaxy Fold's battery power drops below 30%, power sharing will stop.

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