Galaxy Watch Active: How to utilise Samsung Health?

Last Update date : Sep 17. 2020

Samsung Health records and manages your 24-hour activity and sleep pattern to cultivate a healthy habit.

When connecting your Galaxy Watch Active to your Mobile Devices, you can save an manage health-related data on the Samsung Health App.

• When you exercise for more than 10 minutes while wearing the Galaxy Watch Active, it will display an encouraging message
• When the Galaxy Watch Active recognises inactivity for more than one hour, it will notify you and show you some stretching motions to follow
• When your Galaxy Watch Active recognizes you are driving, it may not display an encouraging message or stretches

Galaxy Watch Active counts the number of steps you have taken and measures the distance travelled.

To measure your step count and distance you walk, tap Samsung Health icon on the Apps screen, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen, and then open the steps tracker screen.

To view weekly records with a graph, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen.

Please note:
• The step tracker will monitor your steps via movement and record the result after walking for awhile
• If the steps tracker is used while travelling by car or train, vibration may affect your step count

Record and track how many floors you climb.

To measure the floors you climb, tap Samsung Health icon on the Apps screen, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen.

To view weekly records with a graph, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen.

Please note:
• One floor is calculated as approximately 3 meters. The floors measured may not match the actual floors you climb

• The floors measured may not be accurate depending on the environment, the user’s movements, and the conditions of buildings

• The floors measured may not be accurate if water (shower and water activity) or foreign materials enter the atmospheric pressure sensor. If there is any detergent, sweat, or raindrops on the Galaxy Watch Active, rinse it with clean water and dry the atmospheric pressure sensor thoroughly before use

You can check your calories burned by day or week.

Tap Samsung Health icon on the Apps screen, swipe upwards or downwards on the screen, and then open the calories screen.

Please note:
• The burned calories being includes your basal metabolism calculated based on the profile you registered. When Samsung Health App is launched for the first time, the basal metabolism you expend until the time you launch the App will be displayed as the calories that was being burned

• Activate the weight management feature in the Samsung Health App on your Mobile Device to check your weight on the calorie balance screen. You can manage your daily and weekly calories burned and calorie intake based on the target weight that have been set

Record your exercise information and calories burned using Samsung Health’s exercise feature.

Please note:
• Before using this feature, pregnant women, the elderly, and young children, users suffering from conditions, such as chronic heart disease or high blood pressure, are recommended to seek the advice of a licensed medical professional
• If you feel dizzy, experience pain, or have difficulty breathing during exercise, stop using this feature and seek the advice of a licensed medical professional
• Avoid using the device in cold weather. If possible, use the device indoors
• If the device is used outside in cold weather, cover the Galaxy Watch Active with your sleeves before using it

Analyse your sleep pattern and record it by measuring your heart rate while you are sleeping.

Please note:
• The sleep pattern will have its four states (Awake, REM, Light, Deep) analysed by using your movement and changes in your heart rate. A graph will be provided with both your sleep pattern and the average sleep pattern of people in the same age group on it

• If your heart rate is irregular, your Galaxy Watch Active cannot recognise your heart rate properly, or when you turn off the record REM sleep feature, the sleep pattern will be analysed into three states (Restless, Light, Motionless)

• To measure the sleep pattern with your heart rate by recording REM sleep, swipe upwards or downwards on the sleep tracker screen, tap Settings, and then tap the Record REM sleep switch to activate it
If this feature is turned off, the sleep pattern will be measured only by your movements.

• To measure your heart rate more accurately with the Galaxy Watch Active, wear firmly around your lower arm just above the wrist

Measure and record your heart rate.

• The Galaxy Watch Active’s heart rate tracker is intended for fitness and informational purposes only and is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease

• To measure your heart rate more accurately with the Galaxy Watch Active, wear firmly around your lower arm just above the wrist

• If you have just purchased or have reset the Galaxy Watch Active, read the on-screen information about the App and create your profile

Please note:
• Rest for 5 minutes before taking measurements

• If the measurement is very different from the expected heart rate, rest for 30 minutes and then measure again

• During winter or in cold weather, keep yourself warm when measuring your heart rate

• Smoking or consuming alcohol before taking measurements may cause your heart rate to be different from your normal heart rate

• Do not talk, yawn, or breathe deeply while taking heart rate measurements. Doing so may cause your heart rate to be recorded inaccurately

• Heart rate measurements may vary depending on the measurement method and the environment they are taken in

• If the heart rate sensor is not working, check the Galaxy Watch Active’s position on your wrist and make sure nothing is obstructing the sensor. If the heart rate sensor continues to have the same problem, visit a Samsung Service Centre

Calculate and record your stress level by using changes in your heart rate and reduce your stress by following the breathing instructions that Galaxy Watch Active provides.

Please note:
• Repeated measurement will bring the more accurate result

• Your personal emotions are not calculated when measuring your stress level

• To measure your heart rate more accurately with the Galaxy Watch Active, wear the Galaxy Watch Active firmly around your lower arm just above the wrist

• This feature may not be available depending on the region

Record the calories you eat in a day and compare with your target or the daily recommended calories to get help to manage your weight.

If you have just purchased or have reset the Galaxy Watch Active, create your profile. The Galaxy Watch Active will let you know your daily recommended calories based on the age, gender, and the physical conditions that you have entered in your profile.

Record and track how many glasses of water / cups of coffee you have drank.

Compare your weekly step count records with other Samsung Health users. You can set a goal, compete with your friends, and view the challenge status on your Galaxy Watch Active.

• Activate the together feature in the Samsung Health App on your Mobile Device to check information on your Galaxy Watch Active

• This feature is not available when you use the Galaxy Watch Active without connecting to a Mobile Device

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