How to create Alarm Group in Galaxy devices

Last Update date : Mar 18. 2025

Are you tired of managing multiple individual alarms every day? With the Clock app on your Galaxy device, you can now easily create a group of related alarms to streamline your morning routine.


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Follow the steps below to create Alarm group

image showing the tap on clock app image showing the tap on clock app

1. Tap on Clock app.

choosen the alarms that you want to create a group choosen the alarms that you want to create a group

2. Choose the alarms you'd like to include in your new group.

image showing tap on group option image showing tap on group option

3. Tap on Group at the bottom.

image showing tap on add after give a name to the group image showing tap on add after give a name to the group

4. Give your group a name then tap Add to add it.

image showing the alarms moved to the group image showing the alarms moved to the group

5. A message confirms that Alarms moved.

image showing the alarms group has been created image showing the alarms group has been created

6. You've now created an alarm group!

For more information, please get in touch with Samsung customer care.

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