How to download more applications in Samsung Gear S2(SM-R720)?
You can download an application made for Gear S2. You can download apps via “Samsung Gear Apps” on your connected Mobile device in the Samsung Gear app.
Swipe Right to left → Apps → Rotate control wheel → Add icon → Samsung Gear Apps → Select and Download app
Pictorial representation of the above settings are as follows:
a). Swipe from Right to Left to view App shortcuts.
b). Tap Apps.
c). Rotate the Control wheel to view Get more apps.
d). Tap Add icon.
e). You will be advised to download Gear applications using the mobile device.
f). Alternatively, You can download apps via “Samsung Gear Apps” on your connected Mobile device in the Samsung Gear app. On the All apps screen of the mobile device, tap Samsung Gear and then tap Samsung Gear Apps.
g). Browse by category and select an App to download.
CLICK HEREto add or delete widgets in Samsung Gear S2 ( SM-R720 ).
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