How to improve the vibration of your Galaxy S22 device

Last Update date : May 25. 2022

Galaxy S22 series has added a new feature to provide a vibration sound from the speaker when the device receives an incoming call in vibration mode.

Sounds and vibration option screen.

To enable the vibration sound for incoming calls, please follow the steps below:

Step 1. Settings screen. Select ¨Sounds & Vibration¨ option. Step 1. Settings screen. Select ¨Sounds & Vibration¨ option.

Step 1. Tap Settings then select “Sounds and vibration”.

Step 2. Select ¨Vibration intensity¨ option. Step 2. Select ¨Vibration intensity¨ option.

Step 2.Tap “Vibration intensity”.

Step 3. Enable ¨Vibration sound for incoming calls¨ option. Step 3. Enable ¨Vibration sound for incoming calls¨ option.

Step 3. Enable “Vibration sound for incoming calls”.

If you still do not have sufficient vibration on your device after enabling the vibration sound for incoming calls, you should consider the following:

  • If the mobile device is connected to other devices such as ​Watch/Buds/Headset/BT Speaker, Vibration sound mode will not work.​
  • Vibration sound mode works on the basic ‘Samsung Phone app’ but ​on alarms or 3rd party apps it will not work.

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