How to perform initial setup in Samsung Galaxy S8+(SM-G955)?
Once you switch on the Smartphone, a Welcome screen will prompt to choose language. Select the system settings and account configurations to access the Home screen.
Navigate to START → Connect Wireless network → NEXT → ACCEPT TERMS → Restore the Apps and data → Skip the settings → SIGN IN → SKIP → FINISH setup
NOTE: The first time you turn on your mobile device, it will guide you through adding accounts to your device. Steps and screens may vary slightly during the initial setup.
a). Select your preferred device language and then touch START.
b). Select your Wireless network.
c). If your wireless network is secure, enter the password and then touch CONNECT.
d). Touch NEXT.
e). Review the Terms and conditions and the information on Diagnostic Data. If you agree, touch Agree to all and then touch NEXT.
f). To add your Google account, enter your email address and then touch NEXT.
g). Enter your Google password and then touch NEXT.
h). To sign in and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, touch ACCEPT.
i). You can enable or disable the following Google services. Touch View More.
j). Swipe up and then touch NEXT.
k). You can restore your apps and data from your previous devices. To view more options, Swipe up.
l). You can restore a previous device or set up the phone as a new device. For this example, touch Don't restore.
m). You can set up a lock screen by selecting one of the options. For this example, select No, thank you.
n). Touch SKIP.
o). Touch SKIP ANYWAY.
p). Select the Samsung additional apps you would like to download and then touch OK.
q). To sign into your Samsung account, touch SIGN IN.
NOTE: If you do not have a Samsung account, touch CREATE ACCOUNT.
r). Enter your Samsung account information and then touch SIGN IN.
s). You can verify your phone number to connect with friends on Samsung services. For this example, touch Skip.
t). You can add a profile picture for your Samsung account. Touch NEXT.
u). You can restore the data from a previous device. To skip this step, touch Back.
v). Touch No, thank you and then touch SKIP.
w). Touch SKIP ANYWAY.
x). Review More useful features and then touch FINISH.
CLICK HERE to how to insert SIM/microSD Card in Samsung Galaxy S8+ ( SM-G955 ).
CLICK HERE to how to remove SIM/microSD Card in Samsung Galaxy S8+ ( SM-G955 ).
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