How to remove lock screen ads

Last Update date : Oct 27. 2023

इस लेख को हिंदी में देखने के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें

Ads are from previously downloaded apps in common. Sometimes, you see ads on your lock screen when you are not even using your mobile.

 There are some ways to get around to these advertisements by trying out the below steps.

open playstore app in samsung phone open playstore app in samsung phone

1. Open Play Store app.

Tap on Profile icon Tap on Profile icon

2. Tap on Profile icon.

tap on application and device manage tap on application and device manage

3. Tap on Manage apps and device.

tap on manage in samsung phone tap on manage in samsung phone

4. Tap on Manage.

tap on three lines in samsung phone tap on three lines in samsung phone

5. Tap on three lines.

how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads

6. Sort apps by tapping Recently updated.

how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads-hindi how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads-hindi

7. Select an app then uninstall.

Google Play Policy clearly states that the app must not contain fraudulent ads or ads that cause discomfort.

In case you have identified the app with inappropriate ads, you can report to the Play Store if you suspect it is in violation of the Play Store terms and services.

open playstore app in samsung phone open playstore app in samsung phone

1. Open Play Store app.

Tap on Profile icon Tap on Profile icon

2. Tap on Profile icon.

tap on application and device manage tap on application and device manage

3. Tap on Manage apps and device.

tap on manage in samsung phone tap on manage in samsung phone

4. Tap on Manage.

tap on three lines in samsung phone tap on three lines in samsung phone

5.Choose relevent app.

how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads

6. Tap on three lines at right top corner.

how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads-hindi how-to-remove-lock-screen-ads-hindi

7. Select Tap on Flag as inappropriate.

Do not download the application from unknown sources. To avoid unwanted programs and Android's malware, make sure you download apps from google play store.

Important points to remember:

  • Check for app permissions: never allow the application to gain administrator's right
  • Read online reviews: not those on the official sources, as hackers might place fake reviews
  • Avoid apps from unknown publishers

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