What all are the S Voice Hands-free commands in Samsung Galaxy Note3(SM-N900)?

Last Update date : Oct 13. 2020

When Hands-free mode is enabled in Samsung device. It turns on S Voice's Hands-free feature. Say "Hi Galaxy" when the screen is off to wake up S Voice. After the beep, you can say a command.


The following are examples of what you can say using S Voice while in Hands-free mode :




 Voice Dial 

 Call Charlie mobile

 Call Joe work


 Dial 6171231234


 Text Charlie

 Text Katie message Are you free tonight for dinner

 Send message to John How's it going

 Read my messages


 Memo Send mom a card

 Note to self Buy milk

 Show me my shopping list memo


 New Event Lunch with James July 21st at 1 p.m

 What's on my calendar

 Check schedule on Friday

 Add event Dance class Saturday at 10 a.m. for 2 hours

 Cancel the budget review meeting

 Hear News

 Read the news

 I want to hear the news

 Next/Previous news



 Play playlist my favorites

 Play album secrets

 Play next song

 Play joyful music

Hands-free Mode 

 Hands-free mode on

 Hands-free mode off


 Navigate to India Gate, Delhi

 Direction to Hilton hotel

 Map of India


 What is the weather today

 Check the weather forecast


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