What are the advantages of using S-Voice in Samsung Smartphones?
S-Voice is an application that comes with your Samsung device. It can handle some basic functions on your phone, including making a phone call, sending an e-mail or a text, searching the Internet, or even updating your Facebook status.
( S-Voice icon )
You can ask S-Voice to do all kinds of things on your Smartphones. Some examples include :
● Telling you the time.
● Setting an alarm.
● Turning Wi-Fi on or off.
● Telling you the weather forecast.
● Setting a count-down timer.
● Recording your voice.
● Opening an app.
● Playing a playlist.
● Adding an appointment to your schedule.
● Finding a local restaurant, store, or public location.
● Navigating to an address or location
CLICK HERE to know why S Voice doesn’t work for some commands with 3rd party apps in Samsung Smartphones.
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