What is a Floating keypad in Samsung Smartphones?
An intelligent Floating keypad for Samsung Smartphones with revolutionary context-sensitive text prediction. The split-keyboard "floats" above the screen and can be located anywhere on the screen. It’s small, elegant and occupies almost less screen space, and it looks even better. You can move it and re-size it with intuitive drag and drop.
( Floating Keypad )
Some of the striking features of using Floating keypad are as follows :
Keyboard reduces the time you spend on typing by 40%.
Keyboard unique self-learning technology.
It allows to precisely predict the user’s words.
It complete or correct words AS TYPED.
It can be customized to meet user experience based on user own style of typing.
Keyboard is an easy to use, super smart keyboard to replace the standard one on your device.
CLICK HERE to know how to change the Keypad mode to Floating mode while messaging in Samsung Galaxy Note 3 ( SM-N900 ).
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