What is Bixby Home and how can I activate it in Samsung Galaxy S8+(SM-G955)?

Last Update date : Oct 29. 2020


Bixby Home provides a page organized with various cards which are linked to native and 3rd party apps/services and it is enhanced by learning user's every day life and app/service usage pattern. (It used to provide only news page such as Flipboard / Upday).




Below mentioned are some of the striking features of Bixby Home as follows: 

 It provides fast and easy execution of app/feature/service by analyzing user activity 
 It displays activities from multiple social networks in a single card 
 It provides 3rd party services that you have been interested in
(such as news headlines, interesting keywords) 
 It enables you to complete the certain tasks in the card.
ex) Calendar-Map, Call Uber, Nearby / Gallery app-Share, Convergence etc.


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