Television: Auto Power off Problem

Last Update date : Oct 29. 2020


Here is the list of its causes, problems and possible solutions.


Causes:   It can be occurred due to poor Loose, broken & physically damaged cable or connection.  




1 Check Power supply: Make sure the TV is connected to power supply properly.


•   Check whether physical condition of power cord is OK or not.


•   Check status of connection at the back of the TV and at the power socket i.e. there should not be any loose connection.

2 Check for availability of Signals


•  No Signals:  TV goes in standby if it detects that you are receiving no signal from the current source, make sure that signals from
current source should be properly.

Note: you can press the power key from remote or TV to deactivate the standby mode


•  Available Signals:  Please check Sleep Time mode whether it is On or Off.


    a.  ON Sleep mode:  Please deactivate the sleep time if not required.

         Step: Menu > System > Time > Sleep Timer

    b.  OFF Sleep mode:  Please reset the TV. 

         Learn How to reset the TV


Note:  Click here to raise online request  for engineer visit if you are still facing the issue.

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