What are the advantage of having Caster EQ and Stadium EQ in Samsung Mini component?

Last Update date : Oct 13. 2020

Now you can transform your living room to a stadium. The Samsung Mini Component System comes with a feature that is sure to make you feel that you’re in the midst of a cheering crowd at a football game. The new Caster EQ enhances the clarity of each commentator while the Stadium EQ lets you experience all the shouts and cheers of the game from your living room. Enjoy the game without the hassle of going there.






So, get the party started with the Premium Hi-fi Component Audio System’s Beat Waving. Visualise the high-wattage sound and experience superior sound quality. See and feel the rhythm and beat through Beat Waving which illuminates the speaker in sync with the music. Transform any party to the atmosphere of your favourite club.





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