How to resize a photo in my Gallery?

Last Update date : Jun 30. 2022

Need help on resizing a photo to upload online or perhaps you just want to reduce the file size?

You can easily resize photos captured on your Galaxy device within the Gallery app. Follow the below guide for step-by-step instructions. 

Please Note: Resize image is currently only available on Galaxy devices operating on Android OS Version 10.0 (Q) and above.

1 Head into your Gallery app icon and select an image you photo you would like to resize
Head into Gallery app
2 Tap on Edit icon Edit
Tap on Edit icon
3 Select three dots icon
Select the three dots
4 Tap on Resize image
Tap on Resize image
5 Choose your preferred resized image percentage, then tap on Done to apply changes.
6 Once the photo has been resized you will notice within the image details the size of the image file will be reduced.
Viewing photo details
1 Head into your Gallery app icon Gallery and select an image you photo you would like to resize
Head into Gallery app
2 Tap on Edit icon Edit
Tap on Edit icon
3 Select three dots icon
Select the three dots
4 Tap on Resize image
Tap on Resize image
5 Choose your preferred resized image percentage, then tap on Done to apply changes.
 Choose preferred resized image percentage
6 Once the photo has been resized you will notice within the image details the size of the image file will be reduced.
Viewing photo details

If you require further assistance, pleass contact our Samsung Care Malaysia experts on 1800 88 7799 (Toll Free in Malaysia).

Otherwise, you can also contact our Live Chat Support team which operate 24 hours. 

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