Fix error messages when updating 2020 Samsung TV models
When updating the 2020 TV models (Kant-SU2 and Kant S2) with a USB memory stick, you might receive an error message on the screen. You can solve the problem with the following Samsung TV firmware upgrade guide.
When the TV shows only a USB error message
If your TV is not working and has the below shown picture during the firmware update for the Kant-SU2 or Kant-S2 models, you need to know the cause of the problem.

This is a software issue and the final version update is completed after rebooting twice. If you remove the USB stick or turn off the power before the second reboot is complete, a USB error icon will appear on the screen.
- Do not remove the USB Memory drive.
- Do not unplug the power cable.
- Do not turn off the TV.

Note: Removing the USB Memory drive or unplugging the power cable may cause a firmware error or main board failure. These issues are not covered by the Samsung warranty policy.
Solution: Reconnect the USB with the same stick
If USB is removed and the error icon appears, you can fix the error by reinserting the USB stick that has latest version of the firmware file. Then the update will be completed and the error will be resolved automatically.
Note: The latest firmware can be downloaded from
- Manual firmware update process (USB / OTN)
TV On -> FW update via (USB / OTN) -> Reboot -> Display Logo -> Black Screen (max. for 10 secs) -> Progress bar (30~60 secs) -> Reboot -> Display Logo -> TV On (Completed)
- Auto firmware update progress
TV On -> Reboot -> Display Logo -> TV On (Completed)
Enter About TV in the TV menu, and the name of your TV software will be shown.
- T-KTS2.... stands for KANT-S2 platform.
- T-KTSU2.... stands for KANT-SU2 platform.
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