How to check and update the Samsung Kids version I am using

Date de dernière mise à jour : sept. 07. 2022

Some functions like notifications or games may not work correctly on older versions of the Samsung Kids app. Also, running the most recent version of Samsung Kids ensures that you stay informed about the latest news, changes and updates. Here’s how to check your version of Samsung Kids or update to a newer version.

Samsung Kids app in a tablet.

How to update Samsung Kids on your phone

Step 1. Tap the More menu in the top right corner of the Home screen and go to “Settings”. Step 1. Tap the More menu in the top right corner of the Home screen and go to “Settings”.

Step 1. Tap the More menu in the top right corner of the Home screen and go to “Settings”.

Step 2. Enter your PIN. Step 2. Enter your PIN.

Step 2. Enter your PIN.

Step 3. Select “About Samsung Kids”. Step 3. Select “About Samsung Kids”.

Step 3. Select “About Samsung Kids”.

Step 4. Check the version information and tap the Update button to update. Step 4. Check the version information and tap the Update button to update.

Step 4. Check the version information and tap the Update button to update.

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