How to Shoot Creative
Candlelight Portraits

It's time to give your portrait photos a little heat.

A woman looks at a long, burning match in a neon marketplace. Master it. Creator classes.

When it comes to portrait photography, candlelight is the hack of all hacks. It can help you achieve all kinds of looks, from an ethereal aura to a soft, romantic glow. Shooting it well, however, requires a special set of skills—and here to teach them is photographer Marilyn Hue (@marilynhue). Read on to see how she gives candlelight portraits her own unique twist using the Galaxy S22 Ultra.

Woman dressed in black in a marketplace with background lights looking like stars. Woman dressed in black in a marketplace with background lights looking like stars.

Plan your location and gear

For candlelight shoots, location is super important. You’ll want a darker space with minimal ambient light so you can play up the contrasts and achieve a moody tone. For safety reasons, look for an area with no wind and keep a fire extinguisher on set, just in case. For gear on this shoot, Marilyn brought her S22 Ultra, a lens filter and an atmospheric aerosol spray (used at least ten feet away from any flames). She also recommends bringing a secondary light source like an RGB flashlight.

First: a young woman in a marketplace holding a match while photographer takes her picture. Second: silhouettes of people and equipment at a photoshoot.
Hands holding a phone to take photo next to candlelight portrait with camera settings. Hands holding a phone to take photo next to candlelight portrait with camera settings.

Perfect your settings for candlelight

Candlelit portraits are all about capturing the darkness of your location while letting in just enough light to see the subject. To accomplish this, you’ll need to adjust your phone camera’s ISO and shutter speed—easy with the Galaxy S22 Ultra’s Pro mode.

ISO is the camera’s sensitivity to light, so for a dark candlelight photoshoot, you should bring it down. This will keep the low-light feel and reduce the risk of image graininess. Shutter speed controls how much light gets let into the image. A longer shutter speed will help you capture the limited light at your candlelit shoot. It may also increase the risk of image blur. To fix that, Marilyn recommends using a tripod or the Galaxy S22 Ultra’s remote shutter function. Capturing your perfect candlelit portrait involves fine-tuning these settings until you get just the look you’re going for.

Collage of a woman stretching up to a paper lantern next to a close-up of her face. Collage of a woman stretching up to a paper lantern next to a close-up of her face.

Spark up something original

With so many ways to use candlelight for a portrait, Marilyn likes to go beyond the usual. “Don’t be satisfied with cookie-cutter results,” she says. “Experiment with different angles, filters, lenses and lighting. The best shots are usually the ones that surprise you.”

A woman's face illuminated by a long, burning match. A woman's face illuminated by a long, burning match.
Expert RAW
Get more editing control with 16-bit RAW files.

Give yourself some editing flexibility

When shooting candlelight portrait photos, it’s good to capture as much detail as you can, so that you can play with the contrasts and colours later. Marilyn enjoyed the Expert RAW app and its 16-bit RAW files. “Shooting in RAW is the best way to preserve detail and image information,” she says. “By pushing the limits of shadows and highlights, I can make the photo as dramatic as I want.”

Collage of woman posing in green light and woman looking at a candle in purple light. Collage of woman posing in green light and woman looking at a candle in purple light.
  • *All photos captured with Galaxy S22 Ultra and edited with Adobe Lightroom.
  • *Samsung's Expert RAW camera app used in some photos. The Expert RAW app is available only at Galaxy Store for Galaxy Z Fold4, Z Fold3, Z Fold2, Galaxy S22 series, S21 Ultra, S20 Ultra and Galaxy Note20 Ultra.

Ready to light up your portrait photos?

Capture every face and flicker with the Galaxy S22 Ultra.


Marilyn Hue

Photographer and creative director

Samsung Galaxy icon Samsung Galaxy icon


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