
Start your future
with Galaxy

Student Ambassador Program

Registrations currently closed.

We're looking for the next
Galaxy Campus Ambassadors.
Will it be you?

Join Samsung’s 1-year program designed to give college students like YOU the chance to build your skills for the future!

Be part of exciting missions, workshops, and events all geared to ignite your passions and hone your creativity, all with the help of Samsung.

We’re looking for college students, ages 18-23, enrolled in any university nationwide for A.Y. 2024-2025. If this sounds like you, read on!

How to apply

What’s in store for our Student Ambassadors

By joining the Galaxy Campus Student Ambassadors program, you’re signing yourself up for a year of learning and collaboration through workshops hosted by industry leaders, plus fun content missions and events alongside your fellow ambassadors.

Frequently asked questions

Galaxy Campus is a mentorship and creation program by Samsung designed to empower college students all over the country and enable them to be future-ready with the help of Galaxy devices. The 1-year program aims to create opportunities for learning, networking, and collaboration through insightful workshops, inteactive missions, content exercises, and many more!

Galaxy Campus Ambassadors will be taken on a learning journey with experts from Samsung and #TeamGalaxy, go on trainings and missions to prove what they’ve learned, and hit up locations with the Samsung team to enrich their experience - and maybe even get their way on a future device. Galaxy Campus Ambassadors will also be recording all these experiences with the latest Galaxy devices!

Samsung put together a 1-year curriculum for Galaxy Campus Ambassadors that will tackle many topics, including content creation, mobile photography, productivity optimization, and more! All of these will equip our Galaxy Campus Ambassadors with skills they can use to go beyond!

Tips on writing your essay:

1. Relax - we want to know who you are!
2. Tell us about the things you're passionate about.
3. Some topics you might want to consider:
- Nerd out on the tech you love
- Tell us your creative process
- Give us your best study tips
- Take us through your daily student life
4.  Run your essays through a word processing app (like Grammarly) to check for final errors!

Tips on creating your video:

1. Be creative - this is a visual medium, and there's plenty to play with!
2. Lighting matters! Make sure your shots are taken with sufficient light - especially the parts where we get to see your lovely face!
3. You can use whatever editing software you wish, and load it up with as many effects as you want - go wild!
4. Storyboard your idea to maintain a coherent flow in your video!

Interested applicants will be asked to submit a 200-word written essay to introduce themselves and share why they deserve to be part of the program. Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to a panel interview (face-to-face or virtual) with Samsung Philippines. A final pool of 100 student ambassadors will be selected to be part of the 1-year program. 

Not at all - Galaxy Campus is open to users of any mobile device.

A Galaxy Campus Welcome Kit:

- Access to exclusive workshops and events
- Networking with industry professionals and #TeamGalaxy influencers
- Access to the latest Galaxy devices and exclusive merch
- Monthly cash allowance for one (1) year
- Internship opportunities for top performing ambassadors

1. Eligibility Criteria

- Applicants must be aged between 18 and 23 years old.
- Applicants must currently be enrolled as full-time students in a recognized Philippine university / college for the current academic year

2. Content Submission

- Students interested in joining the program are required to submit a minimum of 200 word essay in the application form.
- Extra credit will be awarded to students opting to provide a video essay.

3. Content Evaluation and Review

- Submitted essay/s will be vetted by a review panel.
- Chosen essay/s will proceed to the interview stage

4. Interview

- Invited applicants will undergo an interview process, which may be conducted in-person or online, depending on their proximity to Metro Manila.

5. Final Selection

- After the interview process, a final pool of one hundred (100) applicants will be selected to participate in the one year Galaxy Campus program.
- Galaxy Campus Ambassadors may also be required to attend orientation sessions or webinars to familiarize themselves with the program and its expectations.