How to use the auto dispenser of my washing machine

Last Update date : Jan 13. 2021

Auto dispensers of the Samsung washing machine will give you a convenient and upgraded laundry time. See the instruction guide video below to use the auto dispensers.

Part 1. Detergent drawer guidelines

  • Check the three-compartment of the dispenser

Part 2. Use auto dispenser

  • Guide to add the liquid detergent, softener
  • How to set the detergent concentration according to the amount of water
  • How to use the detergent dispenser by manually

Part 3. Tips for using auto dispenser

  • Check the frequently asked questions regarding auto dispenser
  • Maintenance of detergent drawer

-Check the three-compartment of the dispenser


Auto softener compartment

-Use fabric softener only. Do not load the powdered detergent.


Auto detergent compartment

-Use liquid detergent only.


Manual detergent compartment

-If necessary, add detergent manually as instructed by the detergent manufacturer. To use the detergent in this compartment, make sure the auto-dispensing option is off.

-Guide to add the liquid detergent, softener


Pull the detergent drawer to open.

-Gently grab the detergent drawer and pull to open.


Open the auto detergent compartment cover

-Turn the auto detergent compartment cover anticlockwise to open. 


Dispense the correct amount of detergent to the auto detergent compartment. And then, refit the cover back on and turn it clockwise to close. 

Turn the auto softener compartment cover counterclockwise to open it.

Dispense the correct amount of softener to the auto detergent compartment.

And then, refit the cover back on and turn it clockwise to close.

Push the detergent drawer all the way in. You will hear a clicking sound when the drawer is correctly closed.


Part 2. Use auto dispenser 

-How to set the detergent concentration according to the amount of water

Dose per Wash

To set the amount of detergent, turn the Navigation Dial [Additional function] to select [Dose per Wash] and tap the [OK] button to confirm.


Dose per Rinse

To set the amount of detergent, turn the Navigation Dial [Additional function] to select [Dose per Wash] and tap the [OK] button to confirm.


Part 2. Use auto dispenser 

-How to use the detergent dispenser by manually

To turn off the auto dispenser please follow these instructions.

To turn off the auto dispenser and use the compartment by manually, turn the Navigation dial to select [Dose per Wash] and then check the [OFF]

Do not add an excessive amount of detergent. This may affect the washing results adversely.

-Check the frequently asked questions regarding auto dispenser


The auto dispenser does not work

Make sure the detergent drawer is closed or inserted properly.

-Open and close the detergent drawer again.

If the liquid detergent is hardened and cannot be inserted.

-Remove the rinse cap and clean the detergent drawer.


Insufficient detergent/softener alarm

It may occur because of the shortage of detergent or softener.

-Fill the detergent drawer up with detergent or softener.

Close the detergent drawer and press the [Activity/Pause] button.

-The appliance will detect the liquid detergent and softener and clears the alarm indicator.


Part 3. Tips for using auto dispenser

-Maintenance of detergent drawer

While holding down the release lever on the inner of the drawer, pull the detergent drawer to remove.

Open the cover and lift the inside auto detergent and softener compartments to detach.

clean inside the auto detergent and softener compartments with water.

Use a small soft brush to remove detergent residue and lime scale.

Reassemble the auto detergent and softener compartment. After then, Insert the detergent drawer back into the washing machine.

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