I cannot uninstall MS Office 2007 by using the "Add or Remove Programs" feature.

Last Update date : Sep 15. 2020


When I try to uninstall it, an error message occurs.


You can uninstall the 2007 Microsoft Office system by using the 'Fix it' tool.

I cannot uninstall MS Office 2007 by using the "Add or Remove Programs" feature.
1 Connect to the internet and open the http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971179/en-us URL
2 Click the download link as shown in the image below
3 Download the fix tool (the file size is about 300KB)
4 Run the fix tool to uninstall MS Office 2007


After you uninstall MS Office 2007 by using the 'Fix it' tool, you can reinstall the MS Office product.

[Important reminders]

When you try to uninstall it, an error message occurs. 

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