Frost accumulate in Samsung Refrigerator or Freezer

Last Update date : Jul 15. 2022

Cooling air must be circulated inside each compartment at any time. If this cool air meets hot or humid air outside the compartment, frost will be formed.

Causes for frost forming

• When the freezer door is not closing completely

• When the freezer door gaskets are not attached to the door properly, are split or torn, or are not clean

• When the freezer is not being ventilated adequately

• When food is found resting against the rear wall of the freezer

• When the freezer air vent is blocked

How to prevent frost from forming in the freezer / freezer door

• Make sure that the freezer door closes completely

• Make sure that the  door gaskets are attached properly to the door and that they are clean. Also, make sure they are sealing properly and are not torn or split

• Make sure there are no packages resting against the rear wall of the freezer

• Space your food out as much as possible to improve ventilation

• Make sure that the air vent in the freezer is not blocked

Please note: If the door gaskets are torn or split, it has to be replaced. Contact our Contact Centre to order parts or arrange for a service appointment. 

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