Artificial Intelligence: Creating a FAIR Future
Why we’re starting the nation’s biggest ever conversation about artificial intelligence.

AI was once a concept shown in your favourite science fiction films. But while Terminator-esque cyborgs may be a distant possibility, the rapid acceleration of AI is really impressive. In fact, Gartner valued the global AI economy last year at over £950 billion. The UK has already sown seeds that could see it become a leading figure in the future of AI. In 2017 the UK government injected a huge £1 billion to support its development.
And with all this exciting investment, we want to make sure everyone has a voice. While over half (51%) of people feel that AI will have a positive impact on society as a whole, 36% believe they or their family will have no influence over how AI develops in future. This is why we’ve created the FAIR Future initiative ? a new way of involving everyone in AI by kick-starting the nation’s biggest ever conversation about this life-changing technology. But first things first: what exactly is artificial intelligence and how has it developed into the force it is today?
Learn more about our FAIR Future initiative here.

The origins of AI
AI is the simulation of human intelligence by computer systems. In 1950, genius British polymath Alan Turing was the first person to suggest that there was a possibility of the existence of AI in his paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.”
Fast forward 5 years and the first AI machine came to life. Scientists Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw and Herbert Simon created a program designed to mimic the problem-solving skills of a human. The “Logical Theorist” is considered to be one of the first artificial intelligence programs.
AI advanced further in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The first ‘intelligent’ humanoid robot, WABOT-1, was built in Japan in 1972. However, it wouldn’t be until the mid-1990’s that AI would really took off. IBM’s Deep Blue would go on to defeat chess grand master Gary Kasparov and speech recognition software was added to Windows.

Flying the flag for AI in the UK
AI is now a part of everyday life in the UK. You’re never far away from a piece of clever tech that reasons and makes decisions to make your life better. We use our Personal Guides on our Samsung Smart TVs to know what to watch and know exactly what to eat with personalised advice from our Family Hub fridges.
And the government’s drive towards an AI future in 2017 is starting to bear fruit. From October 2019, industry-funded AI and Machine Learning MSc courses will become commonplace in British universities. Could you be the next master of AI?

Your future fears, hopes and dreams
As with any new technological shift, further development of AI will disrupt the norm. Forbes reports that “machines and algorithms in the workplace are expected to create 133 million new roles [by 2022].” That said, due to the nature of AI, it’s also expected that 75 million jobs will be displaced in the same timeframe.
We reached out to over 5,000 people across the country to get their opinions on the future of AI. We found that people are really looking forward to new AI technology having a positive impact on society by bringing us enhanced healthcare (63%) and giving the elderly or those with disabilities more autonomy (56%).
Despite all of this positivity, people feel they’re not in power when it comes to AI development. Many feel helpless to influence the way this technology develops, as well as the ethics that govern it. Over a third (36%) of people believe they or their family will have no influence over how AI develops in future. This is even higher amongst teenagers (58%).

Step forward the FAIR Future initiative
With the FAIR Future campaign, we want to reconnect everyone with one of the most important technologies of our age.
Through our science festivals, we're letting people get hands-on experience of the latest tech and hearing how they want AI to help them. We're working with young people at our new experiential showcase venue, Samsung KX, to gather their views on AI and help them understand and acquire the skills they'll need in a world where AI is all around us. All of this information will then be shared with wider AI stakeholders, including the UK Government, to help inform broader thinking about AI ethics and shape the future. You really can have your say!
At Samsung, we think this bright future should be yours. So we’d love for you to get involved and help shape tomorrow.
Read more about the FAIR Future initiative
Discover the nation’s hopes and fears about the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on society. Learn more here:

Family Hub

FAIR Future report