
The Photo Challenge:
Get Insta-Inspo with these Ideas

Creative suggestions for taking stand-out shots for Instagram

Four young women laughing on a phone screen photo Four young women laughing on a phone screen photo

Scrolling through your Instagram feed is like seeing a snapshot of your own world – it’s instant, it’s unique and thanks to the photography, it’s really quite beautiful. Each time you post you have an opportunity to let your personality shine. Plus, it’s a lot easier to stay in touch with your loved ones when they can see what you’ve been up to.

To help capture a stand-out shot and share a piece of yourself on Instagram, here are 10 photograph ideas.

A woman and boy walking away from camera over a hill A woman and boy walking away from camera over a hill

The nature shot

It’s a big world out there filled with incredible nature just begging to be on camera. Snap a landscape shot of your home city, backyard or wherever in the world you might be. The nature shot can give your followers an impression of your personality too. Mountain shots say adventurous, green meadows say mindful while beach and waves say holiday mode.


The friends and family

Where in the world would we be without the love and support of our family and friends? This shot goes out to all the special people that make our lives great. Strike a pose with your siblings, snap a selfie with your mum and dad or take a group shot with your best friends. Remember to tag the special people in your photo for optimal sharing.

Close up of a woman and a girl smiling and singing at a festival Close up of a woman and a girl smiling and singing at a festival

The inspirational quote

Nothing inspires us more than some wise words. The pages of history are written with the words of our great thinkers, scientists, musicians, artists and politicians. Take your pick and share the words that resonate with you the most. Quotes on Instagram let your followers know what’s been on your mind or what challenges you might have recently overcome. Conversely, they can encourage others to reach their own personal goals.


The foodie shot

Show off your cooking skills with a photograph of your dinner. Nailing one of our favourite meals in the kitchen is no easy feat, so share your culinary prowess on the ‘gram. Or, if you’re out dining in a hot new restaurant, share your meal with your followers. People are always looking for a new place to eat and your recommendation might be just what they’re looking for.

Close up of three food dishes with a phone taking a picture of one Close up of three food dishes with a phone taking a picture of one

The night shot

Preparing for a big night out? Whether you’re bar-hopping, enjoying some live music or dining at the fanciest new restaurant, document your night life. The moon and night sky will make great nocturnal backgrounds and, with the Galaxy S10’s dual aperture camera lens, your photos will look stunning even in the dark.

A photo of a flamingo neon light A photo of a flamingo neon light

The photo series

Some moments or scenes are just too good to capture in one photo. With Instagram’s photo series option, you can capture the same subject across different angles or perspectives, conveying all those great details. This way you won’t bombard your followers with similar posts, and it’ll draw attention to your unique way of perceiving the world. Change your view and you’ll change the image.


The black and white shot

If you want to give a grainy, historical feeling to your photos, try going colourless with black and white. There’s something about black and white photography that stops us in our tracks and encourages us to pay attention to other compositional elements – such as form, texture and shading. Show off your dramatic side with a black and white image.


The close-up

Sometimes the smallest moments speak the loudest. Give your followers an intimate insight into your life by posting a close-up. It can be anything, too. A pair of your favourite shoes, a building you walk past every day, a badge of your favourite band on your bag – you get the idea. Galaxy smartphones have great zoom features on their cameras, making sure those little details will stand out large.

Close-up of an orange flower Close-up of an orange flower

The pet pic

Instagram loves cats and dogs and that’s just a fact. If you’re lucky enough to share your home with a pet, snap a pic of them doing what they do best. Got a dog? Take a photo of its big warm smile. Cat person? Capture your cat as it snuggles up to you. They don’t have to strictly be your pets either. Instagram welcomes all animals.

Close up of a cat sleeping on a sofa back Close up of a cat sleeping on a sofa back

The milestone moment

The most loved and exciting Instagram posts are those big life moments. Birthdays, engagements, graduations and scoring a dream job are all big winners on the ‘gram, so share your proud moments with the world. The beauty of Instagram is that your loved ones can enjoy the moment with you too.

Take stand-out shots for Instagram

Make the most of your Instagram account with the Galaxy smartphone series.

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