
The Local Family Holiday
Gets a Reboot

Find beauty in the place where you live,
while spending time with the people you love

A family hiking in the fields A family hiking in the fields

If there’s one thing the last year has given us, it’s a greater appreciation for the time we get to spend with our families and loved ones – and for many, a renewed love of the places we live. So why not take some time to enjoy all of the above, with the local family holiday you all deserve. Whether your idea of fun is a weekend away in a nice hotel, a camping trip with the kids, or just a sunny day at the beach, there’s no better time or place for a quick domestic get-away than right here, right now.

A picture in a frame: a blue car on the beach on the left, a toddler playing on the beach in the middle and a woman sunbathing on the right A picture in a frame: a blue car on the beach on the left, a toddler playing on the beach in the middle and a woman sunbathing on the right

Revisiting holidays past

Although home will always be the centre of family life, many of the most important memories we have are those of old family holidays. And while we can’t go back in time, we can go back to the places that gave us those memories with the same people who helped us make them – like coming back to the beach where you and your siblings first learned to swim – or taking your parents back to the hotel where your dad proposed. It will cost less than a plane ticket, and reignite that nostalgic sensation of joy that only family holidays can bring.

A woman walking in a wheat field A woman walking in a wheat field

Discover nature in your own backyard

It can be difficult for any family to find common interests, but one thing that almost everyone loves is spending time in the great outdoors. After all, what could be better than watching the sunrise from the top of a mountain peak, or floating calmly down a canal through the countryside? The great thing is, you don’t even have to leave the country – there are tons of beautiful places and adventures you can reach by car or train – all you have to do is seek them out.

A picture of a family walking in a field taken by Samsung Galaxy A picture of a family walking in a field taken by Samsung Galaxy

Recreate favourite family photos

Of course, one of the best things about holidays are the photos you take while you’re there, whether it’s a group photo of the whole family or a stunning landscape shot of the road along the coastline. The thing is – most of our favourite holiday shots were taken on old digital cameras, or on film, and are probably starting to look a bit blurry when you look at them on today's HD displays. Thankfully, this gives us the perfect opportunity to see just how much things have changed since the last family trip. With a lens like the 108MP camera on the Galaxy S21 Ultra, you'll be able to see everyone’s smiled clearer than ever, and mom and dad will look even better than they did 10 years ago. Try setting up the same shot, with the same people in the same place to create an amazing before and after that shows just how much your family has grown.

A room with a picture on the wall of people walking on a beach A room with a picture on the wall of people walking on a beach

Bring the nostalgia back home

Holidays are great, but sometimes the only thing better is coming back home again, with all the memories, photos, and mementos that you gathered while you were away. The problem is that all too often, those photos and mementoes get packed away until the next time the attic gets tidied. So, instead of hiding them away, why don’t you put them on display – literally. With Art Mode on The Frame TV, you can display all your favourite family photos whenever the screen is turned off so you can view your fondest memories in stunning 4K anytime you walk past your TV.

The perfect family getaway
is just around the corner

Here’s everything you need to tune in.

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