
We continue to focus on hiring and retaining the best talent in the industry and drive for the diversity of our colleagues, to reflect that of our customers, partners and consumers. We believe a diverse team is essential and benefits everyone we work with.


Innovation and change continue to drive Samsung and in response we need increasingly diverse talent, especially more women in our senior and executive levels. We have made progress to actively support and enable our female talent to flourish, yet we have more to do to drive change; both at Samsung and in the tech industry generally.

What are we reporting on?

'The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017' require all companies with more than 250 employees based in the UK to report their Gender Pay Gap.


Under the Regulations, we must report on:

 • our mean & median Gender Pay Gap

 • our mean & median Gender Bonus Gap

 • the proportion of men & women by pay quartile

 • the percentage of men & women receiving a bonus

Gender Pay Gap and Equal Pay explained

Gender Pay Gap is not the same as Equal Pay.

Equal Pay is where a man and a woman doing the same type of work receive the same pay.

The Gender Pay Gap is the comparison of the pay for all the men and all the women in our business, taken at a snapshot in time.


Samsung is a committed Equal Pay employer.

Our 2018 Results

Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd is comprised of a number of divisions; results include pay data for colleagues from all of these which include sales and marketing, customer services, European management, research and development and design functions.


For 2018 our median Gender Pay Gap is 17.52%, an improvement from 26.34% (2017).


For 2018 our mean Gender Pay Gap is 21.25%, an improvement from 26.1% (2017).

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Colleagues in scope

Our Gender Pay Gap

Our Gender Bonus Gap


The median and mean Gender Bonus Gap is calculated in the same way as the Gender Pay Gap. The data includes all bonus payments, sales incentives and commission paid during the 12-month period leading up to and including 5 April 2018.


Our commitment

The change to our Gender Pay Gap can be attributed, in part, to the commitments we have put in place. Whilst we are pleased about this direction, we acknowledge we have a long way to go.

We are a committed Equal Pay employer. We benchmark all roles to ensure they are industry competitive* (supported by policies and procedures), paying equally regardless of gender.


*Willis Towers Watson UK High Tech Survey.

People - finding, hiring and developing diverse talent.    

• Expanding the use of software to ensure gender neutral language in our comms;    

• Educating our hiring managers through ‘Conducting Great Interviews’ sessions, with a focus on balanced interviews;

• Partnering with sites such as and;

• Hiring and developing the right people into the right roles;    

• We have a 50/50 gender split in our Emerging Talent (Graduate & Placement) Programme;    

• Seeking opportunities for our colleagues to learn from others externally through industry conferences & inspirational speaker events.


Equality@Samsung - with a focus on equality, diversity & inclusion.   

• A steering group of volunteers to champion change & challenge processes and approaches;    

• Deliver ‘Unconscious Bias’ training to every colleague;   

• Create further opportunities for our role models to inspire & nurture others, through mentoring programmes;    

• Promote cultural days of significance and events throughout the year.


Early Talent - outreach programmes for boys & girls to build the future of STEM.   

 • Code Camp - subsidised on-site coding courses for our Samsung family aged 6-13;    

• Bit-Code training - free teaching in energy & coding platforms, including a learning environment to support teachers to deliver block editor coding to children, in over 25 schools;    

• Science Museum Group partnership - including a national tour of Tim Peake’s Spacecraft & Samsung Space Descent Bus (2017-19), sparking curiosity in over 10,000 young people in 60+ schools across the UK;    

• Inspiring career - speaking at schools & colleges about careers in tech, and Life@Samsung.

Francis Chun

President & CEO - UK & Ireland
Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd