How do I set my Samsung Galaxy device to vibrate?

How do I set my Galaxy device to vibrate?

Keeping track of your notifications is essential, you wouldn't want to miss an important message or alert because you didn't know it was there. However, there are times when it just isn't appropriate for your phone to ring. Fortunately, Samsung devices come with a range of options for vibration alerts, helping you know when something is going on without having to take your phone out of your pocket.

You can quickly turn on vibration or adjust features such as the vibration pattern and intensity through your settings.

If you are looking to enable or disable vibration when you tap the keys on your device, find out more about Touch feedback.

1 Swipe down from the top of the screen, to access your quick settings
Swipe down from the top of the screen
2 Tap the sound options
Tap the sound options
3 The sound options will cycle through three settings: Mute, Sound and Vibrate. Tap the options until it displays Vibrate

Please note: if you choose "Mute" your phone will not vibrate at all. Select this option if you wish to turn vibrate off.

Tap the sound options until it says vibrate
1 Open Settings
Settings icon
2 Tap Sounds and vibration
Tap Sounds and vibration
3 Tap Vibrate

Please note: if you choose “Mute” your phone will not vibrate at all. Select this option if you wish to turn vibrate off.

Tap vibrate

While it's common knowledge that you can change and customise your ringtone, did you know that you can also change the vibration pattern? Stand out from the crowd by choosing from 10 varied patterns.

1 Open Settings
Settings icon
3 Tap Sounds and vibration
Tap Sounds and vibration
4 Tap Vibration pattern
Tap Vibration pattern
5 Tap the Vibration pattern that you wish to use

Please note: when you select a pattern it will vibrate to give you an example of what the vibration pattern will be like.

Tap the vibration pattern you wish to use

We've all been there, you think that your device has vibrated in your pocket only to take it out and find no new notifications. To make sure that you always feel when your phone has vibrated, you can adjust the intensity to your preference.

1 Open Settings
Settings icon
2 Tap Sounds and vibration
Tap Sounds and vibration
3 Tap Vibration intensity
Tap vibration intensity
4 You can adjust the vibration intensity individually for your incoming calls, notifications and touch interaction. Drag the sliders to the right to increase the intensity, or to the left to decrease it

Please note: on older devices it is only possible to change the vibration intensity of touch interactions.

Drag the sliders to the right to increase the vibration intensity

If you have turned your vibrate function on through settings but you think your vibrate function is not working you can check through the Samsung Members app.

1 Open Samsung Members
Samsung Members icon
2 Tap Get help
Tap Get help
3 Tap Start below "Diagnostics"

Please note: on older versions of android these checks can be found under “Interactive Checks”.

Tap Start below Diagnostics
4 Tap Vibration
Tap vibration
5 Your phone will count down for 10 seconds. Tap Vibrate as it is counting down to test the vibration
Your phone will count down for 10 seconds. Tap Vibrate as it is counting down to test the vibration
6 If your phone vibrates normally tap Yes and the status will appear as Normal. If your phone doesn’t vibrate normally tap No
Tap yes or no
7 If your phone doesn’t vibrate normally, you will be shown further options to troubleshoot your problem
Further options if your phone doesn't vibrate normally

If you're experiencing unusual behaviour on Samsung mobiles, tablets or wearables, you can send us an error report or ask us a question in the Samsung Members app.

This allows us to take a closer look at what is happening. The data is anonymised and only held for the duration of the investigation. Find out more about sending an error report through the Samsung Members app.

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