Life Hacks

Take Notes Like a Boss

Note-taking strategies to tackle your to-do-list.

Whether you write them, scratch them or jot them, everyone needs to take notes. If you’re looking for an edge in the conference room or just need an overhaul in the lecture hall, we’ve got four note-taking strategies to help you figure out how to be more productive and out-boss your boss.

On-screen memos on the Galaxy Note10 display with an S Pen leaning against its side On-screen memos on the Galaxy Note10 display with an S Pen leaning against its side

Do it the write way the first time

You may want to skip a step and type your notes right into your preferred word processor, but writing notes by hand boosts your memory power—and you want to get as much of your gray matter working as possible. Plus, a stylus like the S Pen makes it easy to write right on screen, and the Galaxy Note series can turn all your handwriting into text later.

Active listening skills can help you remember important ideas. Active listening skills can help you remember important ideas.

Don’t just listen—listen actively

Many note-takers simply hear a speaker’s points and write them down. Active listening means paying attention to what the speaker is saying and how they’re saying it. Instead of repeating verbatim, try paraphrasing their points. Re-contextualizing their point means you understand it enough to say it in your own words.

Writing directly on screen is a quick, effective note taking strategy. Writing directly on screen is a quick, effective note taking strategy.
The Galaxy S Pen with Handwriting to Text The Galaxy S Pen with Handwriting to Text
Handwriting to Text
Use the Galaxy Note10’s S Pen to easily convert your handwriting to text for emails, text and more.

Capture creativity on the go

Ever spent thirty minutes racking your brain for that great idea you had at lunch that you would “totally remember later”? Chances are, you could benefit from having a quick way to capture thoughts on the fly. Your phone can be a great way to leave yourself voice memos or write and doodle straight on the screen.

Grab a coffee to break up your day. Grab a coffee to break up your day.

Take note of your free time

Powering through a long day of tasks might sound like the best way to get it all done, but mental drain and fatigue will do more to slow you down than taking a break ever will. It’s important to make time for things you enjoy to allow your mind to rest and refresh. Take a walk, grab a coffee, or just do a lap of the office—you’ll come back and hit the to-do list even harder.

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